How to design a competence based lesson


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Presentation transcript:

How to design a competence based lesson

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“The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don't tell you what to see.” Alexandra Trenfor

“Competence-based Curriculum” Like most current-day curricula in the world, the Kuwait National Curriculum is based on the competences children and learners are expected to acquire after completing their programme of education. In a competence-based curriculum, the aims of education are achieved by gradually developing a coherent system of key, general and specific competences.

Key competences Key competences represent a package (a system) of knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, beliefs, and personal/social attributes that all individuals need to acquire by the end of their Secondary Education, i.e. at the end of Grade 12.

General competences General competences are subject- specific. They define the most general subject-based knowledge, skills and attitudes/values integrated in learners’ expected outcomes by the end of grade 12.

Specific competences Specific competences are sub-divisions of the general competences. the specific competences cover specialized, topic- based competences (knowledge, skills and values/attitudes) which learners are expected to demonstrate by the end of each Grade.

Task 1: Write what comes to your mind when you hear the word lesson?

How much content to tackle? How will I present it? With which activities? Why this choice? How much content to tackle? What to teach? How will I assess?

To answer the prev. questions, What should the teacher read? Curriculum. Annual plan. Learning units. Teaching strategies.

When do we do all this reading? Staff meetings. Teachers’ assigned time. Workshops.

Now.. Ask yourself… What are the competences I must assist my learners to develop along this school year? What are the learning activities and the contents that help me to develop the specific competences of my subject? What kind of strategies, methods of teaching, learning and assessing can I use?

Let’s start … Choose the competences. Starting from each row in the learning unit, you can effectively design the lesson. For each specific competence, you have to creatively plan, or find in the textbook a learning activity that aims at developing that specific competence.

Only numbers of specific competences are required to be written

Assessment tools: refers to the tools of formative assessment which is considered the dominant assessment in competency based instructions that teachers utilize during teaching.

Does it has to be directly related to the lesson? Share ideas.

In context … no more parrot drilling. Write the S.C. number next to each activity

What do we need to remember in this step? Variety, timing.

How often? Give examples

It is advised that you now change your perspective and start with the curriculum and then look into the textbook to see what you can find there that may help you to develop the specific competences in the curriculum

How might it be useful to consult the textbook when planning based on the new curriculum? start by comparing the new curriculum with your textbook. You can have in view the following aspects: Which of the specific competences mentioned in the new curriculum can you develop by using the present textbook? For which of the specific competences mentioned in the new curriculum you don’t find a support in the present textbook? What contents mentioned in the new curriculum are covered in the present textbook? What contents mentioned in the new curriculum are not covered in the present textbook? According to the answers to these questions, you know how much you have to bring a new input for your learners

Finally … Have something to add? Make sure your preparation is well planned day/days ahead before the period. Consult your colleagues to share ideas. Go online. Keep your preparation book well organized and sequenced. Have something to add?

If you still need some info If you still need some info. Please go back to module 3 in the guideline.