EVALUATION TEAMS 1 Adult Evaluator 2 Student Evaluators + 1 Student Room Consultant 1 Student Timer 1 Student Clerk 1 Monitor (only when specified)
Duties Evaluators use rubric to rate individual or teams in their event Room Consultants check portfolios/displays, complete the Point Summary Form with assistance from the Event Lead Consultant Timer serves as a timekeeper for the presentation Clerk makes a copy of the Point Summary Form and transfer scores from the rubric to the Tally Sheet. Monitor takes teams to and from the preparation room.
AS EVALUATORS YOU PLAY A KEY ROLE YOU determine whether the STAR Event experience is a positive or negative one for our competitors. Here is what you can do to help make a positive impact:
STEP 1: Prepare for your Event Print & read complete event guidelines and rubric from: fcclainc.org/content/star-events/
ASK QUESTIONS If something in the Event Guidelines or Rubric needs clarification... Do not hesitate to ask At the Chapter Level, ask the Chapter Adviser At the Regional or State Level, ask the Lead Consultant for your event.
STEP 2: COMPETITION DAY Arrive onsite 15-20 minutes early Bring your Event and other related competition information Sign in Attend Evaluator Orientation Meet the other Evaluators and facilitators you will be working with
STEP 3: BEFORE THE PRESENTATION Put away cell phones Familiarize yourself with any forms you have been given Write the team member names and chapter on the top of the rubric
STEP 4: DURING THE PRESENTATION Be attentive and smile Take notes Think about questions to ask – ask similar questions to each team to be fair
STEP 5: AFTER PRESENTATION Ask any clarifying questions to the competitor/s WHEN THE INDIVIDUAL/TEAM HAS LEFT THE ROOM Score ONLY on the criteria not on personal characteristics or their personal story If you take away a point, give a comment/reason
RUBRIC Consider the criteria for each possible point. Score by putting the points for each section in the “POINTS” column. Comments also go in the “POINTS” column
On the last page of the Rubric total the points Use a calculator to check your math Don’t forget to initial each rubric.
STEP 6: DISCUSS WITH EVALUATORS Make sure you do NOT have more than a 10 point difference between the 3 evaluator totals. IF YOU HAVE A 10+ POINT DIFFERENCE Discuss your scores for consistency Maybe someone missed one of the criteria points in the presentation. Re-adjust your score so you do not have the 10+ point difference
STEP 7: FEEDBACK Bring the individual/team back in the competition room. Give GENERAL Feedback Tell them what you liked about their presentation Tell them where they could make improvements Do NOT tell them their score Do NOT tell them whether or not they will advance Keep ALL scoring information confidential until after the awards session
STEP 8: POINT SUMMARY SHEET The Room Consultant with the Lead Consultant will have completed the upper portion Transfer the 3 Evaluator Scores Average the 3 scores. Do not round off. All Evaluators initial
AWARD RATINGS Point Summary Totals 90+ GOLD 80-89.99 SILVER 1-79.99 BRONZE Regional Level receives certificates State and National Levels receive medals
IMPORTANT REMINDER If your point total was not 90+ the individual/team will not advance to State. If it was your intent that the presentation should move to State, then the point total needs to be 90+. At the Regional level, if the presentation could be State quality with minor improvements, then you will need to adjust the points. Ask your Lead Consultant for advice.
Test Your Knowledge #1 An evaluator team consist of… 2 Adult and 1 student evaluators, 1 student room consultant, 1 student clerk, 1 Student timer, and 1 monitor (when needed)? 1 Adult and 2 student evaluators, 2 student room consultants, 2 student clerks, 2 Student timers, and 1 monitor (when needed)? 1 Adult and 2 student evaluators, 1 student room consultant, 1 student clerk, 1 Student timer, 1 monitor (when needed)?
Answer #1… C: 1 Adult and 2 student evaluators, 1 student room consultant, 1 student clerk, 1 Student timer, 1 monitor (when needed). C contained the correct answer. A is incorrect because the number of adult evaluators and student evaluators was swapped. B is incorrect because it had too many room consultants, clerks, etc.. See Slide 2 for more information on this topic
Test Your Knowledge #2 True or False… An Evaluator keeps the time of the presentation? A Room Consultant checks displays/portfolios? A Monitor rates individuals or teams in their event?
Answer #2… A: False. Evaluators rate individuals or teams, a timer keeps track of the time of the presentation B: True. Along with checking portfolios/displays, they help complete the Point Summary Form C: False. Monitors take competitors to and from preparation room. An evaluator rates individuals and teams in their event. See slide 3 for more information on this topic
Test Your Knowledge #3 You know you are to be an evaluator for the event “Fashion Design”, do you… Say “Oh Cool”, do nothing, and just show up to the event? Go to fcclainc.org/content/star-events/ and print out the rubric to study up on? Go look at all your favorite outfits you own?
Answer #3… B: Go to fcclainc.org/content/star-events/ and print out the rubric to study up on B is the correct answer. A is incorrect because doing nothing will not prepare you to be an effective evaluator. C is incorrect because even though you are doing something related to the event, you are not studying the criteria so that you may be an effective evaluator. See slides 5 and 6 for more information on this topic.
Test Your Knowledge #4 It is competition day! Do you… Show up 15-20 minutes early, attend evaluator meeting, put away cell phones, and study all given documents? Show up at the given time of the event, put your cell phone on the table, have the team write their own names and event on your rubric? Come late and just wing it?
Answer #4… A: Show up 15-20 minutes early, attend evaluator meeting, put away cell phones, and study all given documents? A is the correct answer. B is incorrect because you need to arrive early, you should not have your cell phones out, and should write on your own rubric. C is incorrect because you should never be late and need to be prepared to be an effective evaluator. See slides 7 and 8 for more information on this topic
Test Your Knowledge #5 Which of these should you NOT do as an evaluator? Smile Take Notes Ask clarifying questions Score only on the criteria Give comments as to why you are taking away points
This is a trick question, evaluators should be doing all answers. See slides 9 and 10 for more information on this topic
Test Your Knowledge #6 Which of these statements are true? Give random scores? Write comments in POINTS column? Skip totaling all the points? Initial each rubric? Check to see if you have a 3 point difference between the three evaluators?
Answer #6… True: Write comments in POINTS column Initial each rubric False: Give random scores (Give scores based on criteria ONLY) Skip totaling all the points (Never skip this part, make sure to check your math with a calculator) Check to see if you have a 3 point difference (Check to see if there is a 10 point difference). See slides 11,12, and 13 for more information on this topic
Test Your Knowledge #7 Which statement sounds like feedback you should give to competitors? “You all did very well, that is why I gave you a score of 100” ? “You did a very good job of being loud and clear” ? “Your display looked very ugly, like my trash can after my family Christmas party” ?
Answer #7… B: “You did a very good job of being loud and clear” B is the correct answer. A is incorrect because you should never tell the competitors the score you gave them. C is incorrect because the comment was very unprofessional and can insult the competitor. See slide 14 for more information on this topic
Test Your Knowledge #8 The competitors receive the scores of; 92, 90, and 89, what would their average score be? 90 – Round Down? 90.33 – Do NOT Round? 91 – Round Up?
Answer #8… B: 90.33 – Do NOT Round! B is the correct answer. A and C are incorrect because you cannot round your final answer. It must be exact! See slide 15 for more information on this topic
Test Your Knowledge #9 Matching: match each score with its ranking 87 76 99 Gold Silver Bronze
See slide 16 for more information on this topic Answer #9… A (87) and 2 (Silver) B (76) and 3 (Bronze) C (99) and 1 (Gold) See slide 16 for more information on this topic
Test Your Knowledge #10 Of these options, who helps make STAR Events possible? Oprah Winfrey? Our amazing STAR Event Evaluator Teams? Your next door neighbor?
B: Our amazing STAR Event Evaluator Teams aka YOU Answer #10… B: Our amazing STAR Event Evaluator Teams aka YOU
THANK YOU We value the time and effort you will put into our competition. YOU are a part of making STAR Events possible Thank you for all you do!!