Why Ride Sharing is Challenging Analysis of 2/3rds (999,999) of 1,453,333 Daily Trips That Originate in Mercer County & All Trips (293,303) Originating in Warren County (Hopefully the concept is saved by the more densely populated counties, peak-hours and CD=2+) Alain L. Kornhauser Jan 22, 2013
Mercer County Summary Data US 206 Corridor Mercer County Mercer County Mercer County Summary Data Item Value Area (mi2) 226 # of Pixels Generating at Least One O_Trip 866 Area of Pixels (mi2) 216 % of Open Space 4.4% # of Pixels Generating 95% of O_Trips 450 # of Pixels Generating 50% of O_Trips 73 # of Intra-Pixel Trips 17,153 # of O_Walk Trips 78,669 # of All O_Trips 1,453,333 Avg. All O_TripLength (miles) 19.55 # of O_aTaxi Trips 287,316 Avg. O_aTaxiTripLength (miles) 98.75 Median O_aTaxiTripLength (miles) 9.3 95% O_aTaxiTripLength (miles) 23.5 Source: “Mercer County, New Jersey”, Wikipedia ORF 467 Fall 2012
Sobering News for RideSharing with CD =1 in Mercer County aTaxiTrips analyzed 999,999 73.66% of non IntaPixel & WalkTrips # Unique O-D Pixels 444,871 # ODs with one Daily aTaxiTrip 296,488 29.65% of aTaxiTrips Analyzed # ODs with two Daily aTaxiTrips 71,351 14.27% of aTaxiTrips Analyzed # ODs with < 5 Daily aTaxiTrip 658,232 62.63% of aTaxiTrips Analyzed OD with highest Volume {(306,134)->(308,115)} 1,037 Daily Trips OD with 2nd Highest Volume OD with 3rd Highest Volume ODs with Volume > 100 126 46,219 Daily Trips (4.62% of ) So… for 30% of the trips, ride sharing with CD=1 is impossible, even if one waits all day for 63% of the trips, ride sharing with CD=1 is essentially impossible (those with < 5 trips per day)
Sobering News for RideSharing with CD =1 in Mercer County, Cont aTaxiTrips analyzed 999,999 73.66% of non IntaPixel & WalkTrips # Unique O-D Pixels 444,871 # ODs with one Daily aTaxiTrip 296,488 29.65% of aTaxiTrips Analyzed # ODs with two Daily aTaxiTrips 71,351 14.27% of aTaxiTrips Analyzed # ODs with < 5 Daily aTaxiTrip 358,232 62.63% of aTaxiTrips Analyzed OD with highest Volume {(306,134)->(308,115)} 1,037 Daily Trips OD with 2nd Highest Volume OD with 3rd Highest Volume ODs with Volume > 100 Trips/day 126 46,219 Daily Trips (4.62% of ) So… for 30% of the trips: ride sharing with CD=1 is impossible, even if one waits all day for 63% of the trips: ride sharing with CD=1 is essentially impossible (those with < 5 trips per day)
RideSharePotential, CD =1 Mercer County 1st 999,999 aTaxiTrips DD (DepartureDelay) (Minutes) aTaxi TripMiles aTaxi Departures Av aTaxi TripLength (miles) Av aTaxi Departure Occupancy Av aTaxi Occupancy (TripMiles / aTaxiMiles) 21,441,261 999,999 21.44 1.00 1 20,837,172 928,595 22.44 1.08 1.03 2 20,587,737 903,690 22.78 1.11 1.04 3 20,388,589 885,755 23.02 1.13 1.05 4 20,218,478 87,1352 23.20 1.14 1.06 5 20,071,234 859,328 23.36 1.16 1.07 24 hours 12,112,118 444,871 27.23 2.25 1.77
Warren County Summary Data North West Jersey Warren County Warren County Warren County Summary Data Item Value Area (mi2) 363 # of Pixels Generating at Least One O_Trip 1,027 Area of Pixels (mi2) 257 % of Open Space 29.2% # of Pixels Generating 95% of O_Trips 484 # of Pixels Generating 50% of O_Trips 45 # of Intra-Pixel Trips 4,116 # of O_Walk Trips 19,606 # of All O_Trips 317,325 Avg. All O_TripLength (miles) 22.8 # of O_aTaxi Trips 293,603 Avg. O_aTaxiTripLength (miles) 24.6 Median O_aTaxiTripLength (miles) 22.0 95% O_aTaxiTripLength (miles) 41.5 Source: “Warren County, New Jersey”, Wikipedia ORF 467 Fall 2012
Sobering News for RideSharing with CD =1 in Warren County aTaxiTrips analyzed 293,603 100% of non IntaPixel & WalkTrips # Unique O-D Pixels 138,556 # ODs with one Daily aTaxiTrip 100,027 34.07% of aTaxiTrips Analyzed # ODs with two Daily aTaxiTrips 18,469 12.58% of aTaxiTrips Analyzed # ODs with < 5 Daily aTaxiTrip 131,423 62.59% of aTaxiTrips Analyzed OD with highest Volume {(395,127)->(308,115)} 731 Daily Trips OD with 2nd Highest Volume {(395,126)->(308,115)} 529 Daily Trips OD with 3rd Highest Volume {(373,89)->(308,115)} 428 Daily Trips ODs with Volume > 100 78 14,080 Daily Trips (4.86% of 293,603) So… for 34% of the trips, ride sharing with CD=1 is impossible, even if one waits all day for 63% of the trips, ride sharing with CD=1 is essentially impossible (those with < 5 trips per day)
Sobering News for RideSharing with CD =1 in Mercer County, Cont aTaxiTrips analyzed 999,999 73.66% of non IntaPixel & WalkTrips # Unique O-D Pixels 444,871 # ODs with one Daily aTaxiTrip 296,488 29.65% of aTaxiTrips Analyzed # ODs with two Daily aTaxiTrips 71,351 14.27% of aTaxiTrips Analyzed # ODs with < 5 Daily aTaxiTrip 658,232 62.63% of aTaxiTrips Analyzed OD with highest Volume {(306,134)->(308,115)} 1,037 Daily Trips OD with 2nd Highest Volume OD with 3rd Highest Volume ODs with Volume > 100 Trips/day 126 46,219 Daily Trips (4.62% of ) So… for 30% of the trips: ride sharing with CD=1 is impossible, even if one waits all day for 63% of the trips: ride sharing with CD=1 is essentially impossible (those with < 5 trips per day)
RideSharePotential, CD =1 Warren County’s 293,603 O_aTaxiTrips DD (DepartureDelay) (Minutes) aTaxi TripMiles aTaxi Departures Av aTaxi TripLength (miles) Av aTaxi Departure Occupancy Av aTaxi Occupancy (TripMiles/aTaxiMiles) 7,213,123 293,603 24.98 1.00 1 6,889,986 276,217 24.94 1.06294 1.04690 2 6,755,721 268,272 25.18 1.09442 1.06771 3 6,661,347 262,620 25.36 1.11798 1.08283 4 6,587,603 258,143 25.52 1.13737 1.09495 5 6,527,580 254,441 25.65 1.15391 1.10502 24 hours 4,006,089 138,556 28.91 2.11902 1.80054