Powers of the Federal Government Under the U.S. Constitution Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises (taxes on commerce and imports) – same throughout the US Coin money and regulate its value, prosecute counterfeiting, establish bankruptcy law Regulation of international and interstate commerce Pay debts and borrow money This is what gives us a national economic system instead of separate state economies
Powers of the Federal Government Under the U.S. Constitution Provide for the common defense and the general welfare National army and navy with President as Commander-in-Chief Call forth militia for national defense as necessary Treaties, negotiations with other countries This is what gives us a national foreign and military policy instead of separate state policies
“The General Welfare” Well-being of society as a whole Congress has the power “To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers” The national government essentially gets to decide the extent of its own powers Checked and balanced among legislative, executive and judicial branches, and between national and state governments