Personal Goal Banks Riverside County SELPA Corey Stacy, IT Technician Created by Corey Stacy, IT Technician Beginning of School Year 2014-2015
Today’s Training Will Go Over… Creating Your Personal Goal Library Managing Your Personal Library Adding Goals to Your Library
Your Personal Goal Library Teacher level users in SEIS have the ability to create their own library of goals to use when writing IEPs. Each user can create his/her own categories to differentiate the goals from one another. Goals can be added from the Goal Management page or from the Future IEP Goals page.
Accessing the Personal Goal Bank… To find your personal goal banks, go to Manage My Goal Bank from the toolbar at the top of the page.
Managing Your Focus Areas Each user chooses his/her own categories, or focus areas. It can be based on grade level, subject area, or any means of differentiation that makes sense to the creator.
Managing Your Focus Areas Click on Manage Focus Areas to: Add folders to your library Edit already existing folders Delete folders you no longer want To Add a folder, enter the title in the text box and click the Add/Update button. To Edit an already existing folder, click the pencil (edit icon) next to the folder you wish to change. This will put the folder title in the text box so it can be edited. When complete, click Add/Update. To Delete folders you no longer want, click on the red circle (delete icon) next to the folder you want to delete. Note: This icon will only show for folders that do not have goals in them.
Adding Goals to the Library Adding from the Goal Management page To add a new goal from scratch, click on the Add Goal Button. This brings up the text boxes to type in the goal and any objectives. It is required to assign the Focus Area for the new goal here. You can manage focus areas too. If you click the Use Template link next to the Goal, or any Objectives, it will bring up the template form to assist in writing the goal.
Adding Goals to the Library Adding from the Future IEP. Once you have created a goal in the Future IEP, you can choose to add this goal to your Personal Goal Bank. To do so, just select the Focus Area you wish this goal to be listed under, then click Go. Note: You must have set up your Focus Areas prior to this step. After you have saved the goal in your goal bank, you will need to go to Manage My Goal Bank and edit the student’s personal information and all dates from the goal. Replace the Student’s Name with (Name) Replace all dates with (date) Replace specific numbers for percentage and trials with lines to indicate that data is needed to complete it.
Editing, Deleting, and Moving Goals To Edit Goals: Click on the Edit Icon next to the goal you wish to edit. That will bring up the entire goal in text boxes which can be edited as you wish. To Delete Goals: Click on the Delete Icon next to the goal you wish to delete. If you have multiple goals to delete, check the boxes in front of the goals, and select the Delete Selected Goals button at the top of the page. To Move Goals: Check the box next to the goal(s) you wish to move. Select the folder to move to from the drop down menu at the top right of the page where it says Move Selected Goals To:
Thank You…any questions?