Significant Digits
Rules for determining how many SD’s are in a number If it is not zero, it IS significant! Ex: all digits are significant in 45.2 cm 91,722 mL 1.2 kg Zeros in a “zero sandwich ARE significant! Ex: all significant in 405 Mm 23,009 L 100,003 ng
Rules for determining how many SD’s are in a number If no decimal is showing, zeros to the right ARE NOT significant! Zeros are not significant in: 3400 dg 300 L 12,450 pm In small decimal numbers, zeros to the left ARE NOT significant! 0.0023 ng 0.231 m 0.000056 kL
How many SD’s in: 506 L 11.09 mg 5600 km 0.0026 dL 45.00 s 0.000650 mm
Multiplication/Division using SD’s Least total SD’s! The number with the smallest amount of significant digits determines how many SD’s are in your answer Examples: 5.670 m X 3.4 m = 19 m2 45.60 m / 3.70 s = 12.3 m/s
Addition and Subtraction Using SD’s Least places behind decimal The number with the smallest amount of places behind the decimal determines how many places behind the decimal should be in your answer. Ex. 409.34 cm – 23.7 cm = 385.6 cm 3.85 g + 24.901 g + 200.7 g = 229.5 g