To understand and analyse song lyrics. Man in the Mirror To understand and analyse song lyrics.
Song Lyrics What is the song about? How does Michael Jackson want the listener to feel? What words/phrases does he use for effect?
Imagery Make a list of the imagery used in the song. Pick three, and for each one explain: Literal meaning – what is it describing? Figurative meaning – What does is represent? How does the image contribute to the meaning of the song?
Choose 4 consecutive lyrics, and visually storyboard their imagery. Storyboarding Choose 4 consecutive lyrics, and visually storyboard their imagery. Song Lyric
Annotating Man in the Mirror Annotate the song lyrics, looking for: Repetition Anaphora – The same word/phrase at the beginning of sentences Sounds Alliteration – Same sound at the beginning of a word Sibilance – Repetition of hissing sounds (s, sh, ch, c) Plosive Alliteration – Repetition of hard sounds (p, t, k, b) Metaphors Semantic Fields – Words that belong to the same topic/theme For each example found, annotate the purpose of the technique
Explosive, violent, impact Analysing Language This wind is blowin' my mind Explosive, violent, impact Metaphor shows the extreme impact the lives of others have on the speaker Nature, change of direction, impact
What message is Michael Jackson trying to get across to his listeners? PEELA Response What message is Michael Jackson trying to get across to his listeners? P = What technique is used to present what message? Ev = Where is it seen? Ex = What is the literal & figurative meaning of the line? How does it show the message? L = How does the technique show the message? What are the key words in your evidence, and what do they connote? A = How is the line supposed to make the listener feel, and why?