Furniture construction How much could this sofa cost Furniture construction How much could this sofa cost? What could make it cheaper or more expensive?
What is the difference between: Antique: Collectible: Reproduction: P. 302
2 types of furniture Case goods Upholstery
Types of Wood Grains p.304 varies depending on part of tree or how cut.
Hardwoods: What types of trees are HARDWOOD?
Softwoods What types of trees: 2 disadvantages of using softwood:
Veneer and Bonded Woods
Most furniture made since 1900 is partly veneered. More common than solid wood.
Pressed Wood What are other names for pressed wood? Where are they used on furniture?
Wood Joints: What do they tell you about the quality of construction?
Type of joinery See page 305 to id types of wood joints. Which are strongest? Weakest?
Spring construction: