The study of linguistic meaning Semantics The study of linguistic meaning
Semantics Lexical Compositional ball: He kicked the ball. I’m having a ball tonight. He kicked the bucket.
Sense vs. Reference
Meaning Relationships Hyponymy Poodle is a hyponym of Dog; conversely, Dog is hypernym of Poodle
Meaning Relationships Synonymy Two words are synonyms if they have exactly the same reference. quick/rapid , sofa/couch
Meaning Relationships Antonymy Complemntary Antonyms: married/unmarried , alive/dead , win/lose Gradable Antonyms: wet/dry , easy/hard , love/hate Reversers (related to movement): right/left , inside/outside , ascent/descent , put together/take apart Converses (related to opposing point of views): lend/borrow , send/receive , employer/employee
Compositional Semantics: Propositions and Truth Values China is the most populous country in the world The claim = the proposition Proposition ( T / F ) = truth value Truth value is affected by the truth conditions
Relationships between Propositions All dogs park. Ahmad’s dog park. 1 (T), then 2 is (T) = entailment