Advanced Placement English Composition Mrs. Griffith
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Why take AP Lang? College search College
Why take AP Lang? College cost per credit hour? College
Why take AP Lang? College cost per credit hour? PSC $120.89 College
College Why take AP Lang? College cost per credit hour? PSC $120.89 UWF $212.00 College
College Why take AP Lang? College cost per credit hour? PSC $120.89 UWF $218.98 Auburn $1134.00 Tuition Schedule College
Why take AP Lang? 13 Washington’s AP Lang students earned SIX college credits for taking this class in 2017-18.
Why take AP Lang? 13 Washington’s AP Lang students earned SIX college credits for taking this class in 2017-2018. 43 students earned THREE college credits for taking this course.
Washington’s AP Lang students Why take AP Lang? ZERO Washington’s AP Lang students lost college credits for failing the exam.
Why take AP Lang? Money
Money Why take AP Lang? YEAR 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 $45, 238 Essay Contest 1 $272 $200 $35, $35 $175 Essay Contest 2 $300 $600 Essay contest 3 $400 (letter) Essay Contest 4 $125, $25 $25 NONE MISC $600 (scholarship) $2500 (NMSI) $5600 (NMSI) College money?? Free stuff (Spike Ball) Money saved for college 2017-2018 43 X $656.94= $28,248.42 13X $1313.88 $17,080.44 $45, 238 $1547 $3575 $6445
Why take AP Lang? Knowledge
Why take AP Lang? Knowledge
Why take AP Lang? Knowledge Art of Persuasion Rhetorical Analysis
What are you afraid of?
What are you afraid of? Fail Harder
Mrs. Griffith's Epic English Page What next? Mrs. Griffith's Epic English Page
Smart is something you become not something you are
Snowball On a sheet of paper, write down any questions or fears that you have about this class. Do NOT sign the paper.