Landscape CDE – Weeds and Deficiencies By Yours Truly, Mrs. Ballard 2013 CDE
Do you recognize this holiday plant Do you recognize this holiday plant? Leaves are wider at apex that at base.
This is mistleoe It is a parasitic weed with simple leaves that lives in the top of trees.
Poison Ivy – look for 3 leaflets
Do not confuse it with Virginia Creeper – 5 leaflets
This is Wood Sorrel! It also has purple flowers!
Have you seen this? Spurge
Or this? Spurge!
This is Spurge!
Iron Deficiency – Interveinal chlorosis
Iron again – damage will be in new growth – INTERVEINAL CHLOROSIS
Classic example of iron deficiency
Nitrogen Deficiency – yellowing of lowers leaves first
Again, yellowing of lower leaves and new growth stays green
Nitrogen again, notice the green tips and yellow lower foliage
Magnesium Deficiency – Inverted “V” is a sure sign Magnesium Deficiency – Inverted “V” is a sure sign. It can look like iron so look for the V
Magnesium again – Do you see the V?
Mag again – notice that it is in the older growth, not new like iron
It looks like Clover but it is not! Remember this is Wood Sorrel
What is this?
Same thing, what is this? Air potato vine
Now, what is this?
And this, same as last slide Nutsedge!!
Look in your grass for this!
Got a buck? This is Dollar weed