Robert’s Rules Review
Our norms One subject at a time, one speaker at a time Before speaking, you must be recognized by the chair State your name and school before you speak Direct all speaking to the chair only Ensure that every rep has the chance to speak
Remember When there is a motion on the floor, the representatives should debate the motion that has been introduced. Speakers are allowed to speak for or against the motion. This is not the time to appeal to the RA as a whole, but rather to debate the motion.
Point of privilege If a situation is affecting the comfort, convenience, integrity, rights or privileges of a meeting or of an individual member (for example, noise, inadequate ventilation, introduction of a confidential subject in the presence of guests, etc.), a member can raise a point of privilege. This allows a member to make an urgent statement, request or motion. A motion requires a 2nd.
Point of information a question about facts affecting the business at hand-directed to the chair or, through the chair, to a member
Point of order This motion permits a member to draw the chair's attention to what he/she believes to be an error in procedure or a lack of decorum in debate.