Miss Lynch’s Classroom Newsletter November 27, 2017 Classroom News Dates to Remember: 11/29- Book order due 12/4 – PTO Meeting 12/11 – School Board Meeting 6pm 12/15 – Christmas Around the World Celebration 12/16 – Breakfast with Santa 9am – 11am 12/18 – Winter Celebration and Assembly 1:30pm 12/19 – Polar Express Movie/Pajama Day 12/20 Class party day Classroom News Hello All, I hope you had a wonderful break! I know I had a great time getting to spend time with my family and friends and taking time to remember what I am thankful for. Once again I can’t tell you how thankful I am that my job is getting to love on your kiddos every day. I do not take that forgranted. Just a few reminders: November book-its are due at the end of the week. The kids have been telling me how much they have been reading at home and it makes me so happy! It is definitely showing in the classroom! Also, book orders are due by Thursday November 30th. A great time to order for Christmas! Stay tuned because there are a lot of things going on in December. -Miss Lynch h@alpena.k12.ar.us Alpena Elementary Website: www.alpenaschools.k12.ar.us 300 South Denver Street Phone Number: 870-437-2229
What We’re Learning This Week Put these words into alphabetical order Spelling Words We will be working on these words all week and our test will be given on Friday. What We’re Learning This Week Reading: Good readers know how to identify the point the author is trying to make and their reasoning behind it. Writing: How To Writing Math: Double digit subtraction with subtraction Social Studies: Arkansas Regions Challenge Problem! If your child can come up with the correct answer, show their work, and bring it back signed they will get peanut bucks! Put these words into alphabetical order Informative _____________ Entertain _____________ Persuade _____________ Describe _____________ Explain _____________ Question _____________ Lunch Menu Monday: Hot Dogs Tuesday: Pancakes Wednesday: Breaded Pork Fritter Thursday: Quesadilla Friday: Pepperoni Pizza