Lithuanian ballet theatres Lithuanian cinema theatres Lithuanian opera theatres Lithuanian theatres in cities
Lithuanian ballet theatres Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre State Theatre. Lithuanian ballet theatres
Lithuanian ballet theatres State theatre – the first professional Lithuanian theatre founded in Kaunas: Opera and drama companies (from 1920 ) Ballet company (from 1925). Lithuanian ballet theatres
Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre Opera theatre was founded in Vilnius in1941. After the soviet occupation for the second time, opera theatre was separated from drama and in 1944 was named as National Opera and Ballet theatre. In 1974 the theatre moved to a new palace in Vilnius.
Lithuanian National Drama Theatre
Activities of Lithuanian National Drama Theatre: Stages performances of different genres, Presents to society classical, modern, national dramaturgy, Takes part in theatre festivals in Lithuania and abroad, Develops international relationships, takes part in projects.
Lithuanian cinema theatres Periods of Lithuanian cinema history: 1896-1941, soviet (1941-1989), modern (from 1990). Lithuanian cinema theatres
Lithuanian cinema theatres Cinema has been demonstrated in Lithuania since the end of XIX th century, created – since the beginning of XX th century. In 1897 the first film was demonstrated in Vilnius. The first cinema theatres appeared in 1905 . The first chronicles were shot in 1909 . In 1931 the first full- length Lithuanian film „Onytė ir Jonelis“ was created. Lithuanian cinema theatres
FORUM CINEMAS One of up-to-date cinema centres in Lithuana Installed Digital 5D system comedies, thrillers, cartoons, family films, night shows, „Yomayo“ days, national and foreign festivals are organized in the cinema centre.
Lithuanian opera theatres Kaunas Musical Theatre, Klaipėda Musical Theatre, Panevėžys Musical Theatre. Lithuanian opera theatres
Kaunas Musical Theatre It was opened in 1892-01-09. The most popular in Lithuania. 250 performances of different genres are shown per season; 3-4 new productions are staged.
Klaipėda Musical Theatre Klaipėda State Musical Theatre was founded in 1987. The biggest collective of professional art in the whole West Lithuanian region.
Panevėžys Musical Theatre Panevėžys Musical Theatre was founded in 1993. The symphony orchestra and the soloists of the theatre together with the string quartet organize festivals for the city society.
Lithuanian theatres in cities Kaunas theatres Klaipėda theatres Panevėžys theatres Vilnius theatres Šiauliai theatres Lithuanian theatres in cities
Lithuanian cinema and television cinema awards
Lithuanian cinema and television cinema awards The first awards of Lithuanian cinema “SILVER CRANE” were organized in 2008 to honor the best cinema creators: -individual creators (cameramen,composers, actors), -collective groups (the best theatrical, documentory, television or short film).
Lithuanian theatre award Golden Scene Cross
Lithuanian theatre award Golden Scene Cross – the superior Lithuanian theatre award. „Golden Scene Cross“ awards were organized in 1992 for the first time and it became a tradition to celebrate the International Theatre Day on 27 March.
Lithuanian cinema studio 1940–1941 Lithuanian cinema chronicle studio, 1945–1947 Cinema chronicle studio, 1947–1954 Lithuanian chronicle documentory films studio, 1956–2004 Lithuanian cinema studio, since 2004 JSC „Lithuanian cinema studio“ – the biggest company in Vilnius producing films. Lithuanian cinema studio
Lithuanian theatre, music and cinema museum Founded in1926
Lithuanian high schools which teach art programs Klaipėda University, Lithuanian Music Academy, Šiauliai University, Vytautas Magnus University. Lithuanian high schools which teach art programs