Co-Innovation and with Industry - Unlocking the Innovation potential of RIs Experimenting value creation and capture across RIs Science Industry Society Impact Shared values Markus Nordberg Head of Resources Development, ATTRACT & IdeaSquare@CERN Research Infrastructures beyond 2020 – sustainable and effective ecosystem for science and society, Sofia Tech Park, Sofia, Bulgaria 22-23 March 2018
Ecosystem for Science and Society includes many facets … Innovation Management Platform Cross-disciplinary MSc-Student Teams Industry (special attention to on SMEs) R&D Communities With Ambitious Goals and Breakthrough Projects New Scientific Instruments, Products, Services, Entrepreneurs, Jobs etc. Contributing to … Connecting through … Engaging … Co-developing with … Being driven by …
RIs-Industry: Creating shared value options and opportunities … but what does it mean? Create longer-term economic and social value while respecting RIs fundamental scientific mission. Fully exploit the synergies between national and pan-European RIs. Enhance existing (local) industrial collaborations and foster new (global) ones. Replicate at National Level with National, Structural and Private Funds. Value creation by RIs Value capture by industry Individual Shared Tech. Transfer (e.g. IP licensing) Industrial access (i.e. beam line/time) Procurement (i.e. instrument components) Yet unexploited Adapted from Henry W. Chesbrough and Melissa M. Appleyard, Open Innovation and Strategy, California Management Review Vol. 50, No. 1, 2007.
IdeaSquare@CERN: Demonstrator for ATTRACT IdeaSquare Approach Hosting interdisciplinary MSc student teams addressing big societal challenges (business mgmt., product design and engineering students); Facilitating detection and imaging related R&D&I for longer term scientific instrumentation needs, in the spirit of Open Science & Open Innovation; Industry and NGOs are directly involved in both detector & imaging and the student projects.
IdeaSquare@CERN: Experimenting for ATTRACT Innovation Driver Innovation Target Product Process Open Closed R&D Societal Challenge Tech. Transfer IdeaSquare Approach From Societal Challenges to R&D, industrial and business value – using Design Thinking methodology and MSc interdisciplinary student teams. Publicly funded R&D detection and imaging projects - co-innovation with industry; using open innovation principles. More than 450 students since 2014 and 50% rate of demonstrated interest in entrepreneurship.
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