Emerging zoonoses in relation to changing socio-economic environment 26 May 2016 A Global One Health symposium Wageningen, NL Hendrik-Jan Roest, DVM, PhD, on behalf of the project team Head of the Department Bacteriology and Epidemiology Central Veterinary Institute, part of Wageninigen UR, Lelystad, NL
One Health, concepts Integrating disciplines to safeguard human health Integrating approaches and perspectives Animals Humans zoonoses
One Health, an ecosystemic approach Animals Humans ecosystem ?
? Area (ha) Landscape type Ticks 2001 2008 Difference 2021 Forest/Dunes Many 4598 5445 + 18% 7285 ? (+ 60%?) Heather/Grassland Few 15402 15446 0% Urban/Agriculture Negligible 21527 20636 – 4% ? Societal changes Urbanisation
Emerging zoonoses in relation to changing socio- economic environment What are the drivers for emergence of zoonoses? How do they interact? What are the most important ones? Can they be prioritised? What are effective prevention and intervention measures? How can they be implemented? How can they be made accepted and what is needed for that?
Project team WU Health & Society: Lenneke Vaandrager, Maria Koelen WU Resource Ecology: Fred de Boer WU Business Economics: Henk Hogeveen LEI – WUR: Ron Bergevoet CVI – WUR: Wim van der Poel, Clazien de Vos, Hendrik-Jan Roest
Zoonoses and Emerging Threats H2020 – EJP One Health Zoonoses and Emerging Threats SFS-36-2017
Discussion & Questions Hendrik-Jan Roest, DVM, PhD : +31 320 238026 : hendrikjan.roest@wur.nl : www.wageningenur.nl/cvi