What is a Biome? A large region characterized by specific climate as well as plant and animal communities Named for plant species Plants determined by climate Plants determine animal species
Biomes Tropical Rainforest Temperate Rainforest Temperate Deciduous Desert Taiga Tundra Arctic Prairie Estuary Wetland River Lakes and Ponds Coral Reef
Climate Temperature Precipitation Sunlight Wind Humidity Organisms adapted to live in narrow temp range Growing season Precipitation Size and diversity of species Sunlight Length of day Wind Humidity
Latitude and Altitude The higher you go in latitude and altitude the colder the climate. Smaller vegetation Lower biodiversity
Biome Presentation
Biome Presentation Twenty minutes Climate and geography Representative species Adaptations Food web Native peoples Threats and Hazards
Biome Presentation Breaking Down Large Problems Partner Tech lab Presentation October 5th Work cited Professional site Database Print source