Acid rain
Outcomes Grade D Identify how acid rain is formed and describe the effects of acid rain on the environment. Grade C Explain what can be done to reduce acid rain. Grade B/A Evaluate the impact on the environment and how a change in behaviour is needed to help the environment. Literacy skills. Interpret information (comprehension of text). Good clear sentence construction. Good spelling especially of key words. Group work (discussion). Homework (consolidate).
TASK 1 On your mini whiteboards: Your task: TASK 1 On your mini whiteboards: Choose 3 of the cartoons and write down what message you think they are trying to give. Fancy a challenge? Why do you think these cartoons were created? Do you think they are persuasive and how? Pink post it 5 MINUTES Yellow post it
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Where Does Acid Rain Come From?
Where does the sulphur dioxide come from? ACID RAIN Rain is naturally slightly acidic (contains carbon dioxide) When water vapour is combined with certain pollution it makes the rain more acidic. Where does the sulphur dioxide come from?
EQUATIONS Sulphur dioxide and water form sulphurous acid (H2SO3) SO2(g) + H2O(l) --> H2SO3(aq) Some oxides of nitrogen like nitrogen dioxide (NO2) react with water to form nitrous acid (HNO2) and nitric acid (HNO3) 2NO2(g) + H2O(l) -> HNO2(aq) + HNO3(aq) Carbon dioxide in the air can dissolve in rain water to form carbonic acid, (H2CO3). CO2 + H2O H2CO3
Describe how acid rain is formed – can use bullet points or a glow diagram. You must have an equation.
EFFECTS When soil is contaminated, cereal (arable) production drops Buildings and precious stone objects are weathered away as the stone reacts with the acid Acids pollute water fish die. Drinking water is contaminated These trees have been killed.
2. List the effects of acid rain in order of how harmful they are to the environment. 3. What is the effect of acid rain on biodiversity?
Reducing the effect on the environment Power station can have scrubbers and flue gas desulphurisation plants Remove sulphur dioxide Catalytic converters in cars – turns nitrogen oxides in to nitrogen which is not as harmful Using alternatives to fossil fuel Driving less cars (car-shares, public transport)
4. Which solution for acid rain is the best 4. Which solution for acid rain is the best? Justify your answer by saying why the others are not so good.
Graph Analysis IN YOUR BOOKS. What conclusion can be drawn from the data presented in graphs 2? What impact will this have on the environment? How have these results been achieved? FANCY A CHALLENGE? What conclusion can be drawn from the data presented in graphs 3?
Graph 1. Greenhouse gas and acid rain emissions. Graph 2: Cost of reducing sulphur dioxide emissions. Graph 2: Cost of reducing sulphur dioxide emissions.
What can be done - liming
outcomes Acid Rain - Video - Resources - TES