The Frat Houses of Mankato State University Where are they located?
Zoning codes The city of Mankato divides the city into zoned areas. The subdivision used for Fraternities is Subdivision 63. –Subd. 63. Fraternity or Sorority House. A building that is occupied solely by a group of university or college students who are associated together in a fraternity or sorority chartered by a national or international fraternity or sorority, or officially recognized by the university or college, and who receive from the fraternity or sorority their lodging and/or meals on the premises for compensation. The zone code that enables fraternities to have a house is (((zone 3))) Multiple Dwelling
The Frats in Old Mankato Phi Kappa Psi Phi Delta Theta Tau Kappa Epsilon Kappa Sigma Sigma Nu
Whats located on Warren St? Warren St.
Tau Kappa Epsilon This is the apartment complex where Tau Kappa Epsilon is located. Since it is hard for Fraternities to find a house, they dont really have any information out about themselves. 108 Warren St.
Whats located on S 4 th Street? South 4th Street
Phi Delta Theta This house was painted white and blue, to further represent the Frat because it is there official colors. They obtained this house in 1989, just a block from Lincoln Park which had denied the fraternity from buying a house just a year prior. The brothers involved in the fraternity did lots of work, such as steaming the green floral wallpaper off the walls, and hauling the 200 pound boulders out of the cellar in order to turn it into a rec-room 639 S. 4th St.
Whats located on S & N Broad St? S & N Broad Street
Kappa Sigma We looked in the Yellow pages and contacted the Student Organizations office There were two addresses given. Both were on Broad St. When we were looking to take pictures of their houses, these were the two that were at the addresses. Does Kappa Sigma really live in the basement of a church? We arent really sure about that either.
Whats located on Lincoln St? Lincoln Street
Phi Kappa Psi Provides housing for 15 members. Contains 4 rooms on the 2 nd floor and 5 on the third floor. Featuring a fully functional computer lab, a living room with fireplace, and a well equipped weight room. Rent is $175 – $200 w/utilities. Not including many dues & fees. 227 Lincoln St.
What is the only frat on the upper campus area?
Delta Chi 1300 Warren St. After years of talk and spectulation, Delta Chi was able to purchase a new house with the help of Alumni Myke Hubbard. The house is only two blocks from the heart of campus, on the corner of Warren St. and Balcerzak. Under the guidance of Dr. Darryl Adams numerous improvements were made to the house... Including the conversion of the 3 season porch into a bedroom, the complete restructure of the basement, wiring was changed, windows installed, and the whole house was brought up to current codes.
Lambda Chi Alpha Resides in the Huntington Ridge Apartments. Although they are unable to display there letters or host official functions. Re-zoning of this area to make it frat row has been looked into in recent years. Stadium Road
What do Fraternities do for our community? Adopt a Highway Cookies for Kids Food Drives Walk for M.S. Heart Walk Hanging Christmas Lights Special Olympics Habitat for Humanity Clean-up of River