What Will They Think of Next!!!


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Presentation transcript:

What Will They Think of Next!!! Genetic Engineering What Will They Think of Next!!!

How Can we use genetics to benefit humanity? We can do DNA tests to determine relationships between organisms or to identify suspects in crime scenarios. We can do this through a process called gel electrophoresis.

How Does gel electrophoresis work? DNA samples are placed in wells at the top of the gel. The unit is plugged in so that electricity flows through the gel, pulling the negatively charged DNA from the top of the gel to the positively charged bottom of the gel. As the DNA flows, it separates into pieces. The smaller pieces of DNA travel farther down the gel than the longer pieces. All DNA separates in a unique way, so if two DNA strands are similar, it shows a family relationship. If two DNA strands match exactly, it indicates that a suspect is guilty of a crime.

Let’s practice: Who Done it?!?

Genetic engineering Sometimes, pieces of DNA that code for specific traits can be taken out of one organism and put into another. When you take a piece of DNA from one organism, it is called gene splicing. When you put that spliced piece of DNA into another organism, it is called recombinant DNA. For example, the gene in humans that tells the body to make insulin can be spliced and recombined with bacterial DNA. Now the bacteria can make insulin! Now, if the bacteria are cloned (make exact genetic copies) scientists can “farm” these bacteria for their insulin. This insulin is then used by people who have diabetes.

Let’s see that in action!