Climate Controls
Climate Controls Climate is controlled by the following six factors: 1. Latitude - Distance away from the equator. 2. Relief and Elevation - Mountain ranges act as barriers to air movement. 3. Moderating effect of Water - Cooling hot summer air or warming cold winter air.
4. Ocean Currents – These warm or cold flows of water affect the air above them. 5. Air Masses - Bring air from distant locations to an area. 6. Wind and Pressure Systems – Moving air creates prevailing winds which carry air masses across the continent.
Effect of Latitude on Climate
Latitude is the most important factor affecting climate! Latitudes in North America
Relief and Elevation Relief and Elevation - Mountain ranges act as barriers to air movement. This also causes relief precipitation.
Moderating effect of water Because water warms and cools much more slowly than land, large waterbodies moderate the temperatures of these land areas. This means that winters are warmer than you would expect based on the Latitude of the location. It also means that summers are cooler than you would expect based on the Latitude of the location.
Ocean Currents Ocean Currents – These warm or cold flows of water affect the air above them. World currents
Air Masses Air Masses - Bring air from distant locations to an area.
Wind and Pressure Systems Wind and Pressure Systems – Moving air creates prevailing winds which carry air masses across the continent.