Open Channel Storm water Irrigation Waste water collection and treatment
Types of open channel flows – Steady flow – when discharge (Q) does not change with time. Uniform flow – when depth of fluid does not change for a selected length or section of the channel Uniform steady flow – when discharge does not change with time and depth remains constant for a selected section. cross section should remain unchanged – referred to as a prismatic channel
Open Channel Flow Hydraulic radius: R = A/WP Do not include free surface in wetted perimeter.
Open Channel Flow Re = V R/ Laminar flow: Re < 500 Turbulent flow: Re > 2000
Best Hydraulic Section Design criteria
Manning Equation USCS Q = (a/n) A R2/3 So1/2 a = 1.49 SI: a = 1.0
Weirs Rectangular V-notch Cipolletti
Hydraulic Jump Design concern Tidal bore