Welcome, Bearkat Parents! Please sign in on the paper by the door.
Welcome to Biology Pre-AP Ms. Robbi Tucker Klein High School Room 113
Some Topics – Biology 1 credit Nature of Science Cytology Viruses Human Systems Genetics Biological Evolution Taxonomy Energy Transfers Homeostasis Ecosystems Plants Laboratory Practices
Contact Information Phone: 832-484-4262 *E-mail: rtucker1@kleinisd.net (Please include your child’s name in subject line.) Conference: 4th (10:21 – 11:09) Website: http://classroom.kleinisd.net/webs/rtucker1/
Some Rules Be on time. Bring necessary materials to class daily. All electronic devices must be turned off and put away at all times in the classroom. No food, gum, or drinks in class. Follow all rules in the student handbook.
Consequences Verbal Warning Individual Conference Parent Contact Office Referral **Note - Some actions/behaviors may skip straight to Office Referral.
Grading Major Grades (tests, projects, extensive lab activity) = 60% Minor Grades (labs, quizzes, daily work) = 40%
Second Chance Tests Wednesdays & Fridays are test days Anyone may take with the completion of a review assignment Average the grades All tests except DCA’s Before and After school scheduled by teacher
Cheating If a student is found cheating, then a grade of “0” will be given on the assignment. The student will also receive a “U” in conduct for the six weeks.
Workbook & Textbook (here) Paper Pen & Pencil Notebook of sorts Supplies Workbook & Textbook (here) Paper Pen & Pencil Notebook of sorts Assignment calendar, grade sheet, notes, handouts, lab, vocabulary **Calculators are provided
Tutoring Every morning 7:00-7:30 am in here. Most afternoons: 2:30-3:10. BLAST Thurs. 2:40-3:40 pm Rm 113 (Beginning Sept. 17) Other scheduled times available.
New Technology! Gizmos E-Instruction StarBoard Student computers Projector Document camera