Mrs. Patula’s Classroom Welcome to Mrs. Patula’s Classroom
Who is this teacher as a person?
Will this teacher treat me fairly? Yes, Always!
What will I be doing this year? Units Covered: Mental and emotional health(self-esteem, stress, mental illness, depression, suicide) Tobacco Illegal drugs and alcohol Nutrition and physical activity/fitness Communicable/non- communicable diseases.
How will I be graded? Grade Scale: 92%-100% A 83%- 91% B 74%- 82% C 0%- 64% F Weighted grades: -70% of your total grade is from tests/quizzes -30% of your total grade in from in class assignments
What are the rules in this classroom?
Mrs. Patula’s Classroom Contract Guidelines, Consequences & Procedures
Be in the room and ready to work when the bell rings. Guideline #1 Be in the room and ready to work when the bell rings.
Guideline #2 Bring ALL books and materials to class and take them with you when you leave.
Treat each person and this room with respect and dignity. Guideline #3 Treat each person and this room with respect and dignity.
Guideline #4 Follow all procedures and policies as outlined in the WHHS Red and Gray.
Following Guidelines will result in… Verbal acknowledgment A stress-free learning environment A pleasant and orderly classroom atmosphere
Not Following Guidelines will result in… 1st – warning and documentation-guideline infraction 2nd – Action Plan and Parent/Guardian Phone Call 3rd – Teacher Assigned Detention 4th – Disciplinary Referral to the Office
Guideline Infraction Notice Read it Sign and date it Keep it until the end of class and come see me
Mrs. Patula’s Action Plan What’s the problem? What’s causing the problem? (please list the factors) What plan will you use to solve the problem? Date Student’s Signature Parent/Guardian Signature
Severe Clause Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (this includes the property of the teacher and other students), or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be sent to the office IMMEDIATELY.
WHHS Procedures – Getting Your Attention I will… Stand in front of the class. Raise my hand. Wait for everyone to be quiet. Begin speaking.
WHHS Procedures – Entering a Room Please enter quietly Have a seat Get your folder Review the agenda Begin bell-work assignment
WHHS Procedures – When you are tardy… Please enter quietly. Excused: Place excuse in the basket Unexcused: Sign the tardy list (3 times tardy = 1 demerit) Have a seat and take out your materials.
WHHS Procedures – Locker Procedures Go to your locker before 1st period and get your books for Periods 1 – 4. Go to your locker before lunch and get your books for Periods 5 – 8 and take them to your 5th period class and put them at your seat. Stay in class or go to lunch. Go to your locker at the end of the day – take home your homework. Students are not permitted to bring their backpacks to 8th period. We are dismissing at 2:43 p.m. and 12:39 p.m. this gives you 8 minutes to get to your locker and get to your bus.
WHHS Procedures – Passes and Planners Only one student per class may be out at a time Fill out your planner with the date, time, and location Obtain teacher initials Leave the room quietly Come back in the room quietly Sit down and get on task IF IT IS AN EMERGENCY…JUST LEAVE…NO QUESTIONS ASKED. You must have a teacher sign your planner to go to their class for tutorial or any other period you are not assigned to their room
WHHS Procedures – Cell Phones Cell phones-In compliance with Board Policy 237, the guidelines are as follows: 1. Cellular phones and other personal electronic devices shall be turned off and kept out of sight during instructional time. 2. Students shall not use any electronic device that in any way disrupts or detracts from the educational environment. 3. Students will not be allowed to leave class in response to any electronic devices.
WHHS Procedures – Cell Phones 4. Students may use cellular phones and other devices if used appropriately and respectfully. However, cell phones shall not be used during instructional time. This means you can use them at lunch. 5. Students shall not photograph or videotape other individuals at school or at school sponsored activities without their knowledge and consent, except for activities considered to be in the public arena such as sporting events or public performances.
WHHS Procedures – Cell Phones 6. Students shall not email, post to the Internet, or otherwise electronically transmit images of other individuals taken at school without their expressed written consent. 7. Use of cellular phones or other personal electronic devices is strictly prohibited in locker rooms and restrooms. 8. Students shall not use cellular phones or other electronic devices in any way that may cause a teacher or staff member to question whether the student may be cheating on tests or academic work or violating copyright policy.
WHHS Procedures – Class Dismissal The teacher dismisses you, not the bell. One minute prior to the end of class, we will write down homework assignments in your planners and prepare for dismissal Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you
Finish Classwork Early – “What do I do next?” Read Finish any homework you have Put your head down and relax if you have nothing else to do Do no disturb me or the other students who are still working
Procedures just for Mrs. Patula’s Class
Student Pink Slip This is for the student who does not have the assigned work. Fill it out. Sign and date it. Turn it in with the homework papers.
After you are absent… If you are absent a day, it is YOUR duty to ask me what you missed and to complete the assignments; everything is on my website! For each excused absence, you will have 1 day to make up the missed work. Points will be deducted, per day, thereafter. If a student is absent under extenuating circumstances, special arrangements can be made to make up work.
Classroom Discussions Share experiences/discuss, but never use names in class i.e. “ I know someone who” 1 person speaks at a time Respect opinions of others Remember: everyone has had different life experiences…….
Turning in Papers Pass everything to the front of the row and over to the right.
Moving Around the Room Stay in your assigned seat unless you need to: 1. sharpen your pencil 2. get a tissue 3. have to use the bathroom and it is an EMERGENCY!