Class Expectations and Policies Economics. Edsel Ford High School Mr Class Expectations and Policies Economics Edsel Ford High School Mr. Harris
Mr. Kevin Harris e-mail: harrisk@dearbornschools. org Web site: www Mr. Kevin Harris e-mail: Web site: Class Blog:
Attendance Policy Attendance is essential to your ability to successfully pass this class. Any combination of tardies, lates or absences, which cause you to reach or exceed 10 absences, will result in you being placed on audit.
Attendance Policy Anyone who ends up on audit status can only receive full credit if their absences are excused, according to current EFHS policy, or, if you are passing the class and you score 78% or higher on the cumulative final exam.
Cell phones, Ipods and other electronic devices Students should not be using any electronic device, without permission, in the classroom. This classroom is a RED ZONE. At the beginning of class cell phones will be placed into the holder next to the teacher’s desk. Cell phones will be returned at the end of class.
Cell phones, Ipods and other electronic devices If students are observed using electronic devices, the electronic device will be confiscated and given to administration per the EFHS policy. Continued use of electronic devices will result in a referral to Administration according to school and district policy.
Grading Policy/Scale Your final grade will be based upon a 95 – 5 Summative/Formative ratio. A = 100 – 95% C = 76 – 74% A- = 94 – 90% C- = 73 – 70% B+ = 89 – 87% D+ = 69 – 67% B = 86 – 84% D = 66 – 64% B- = 83 – 80% D- = 63 – 60% C+ = 79 – 77% E = 59% or less
Grading Policy/Scale Posting of grades/Parent Connect Grades will be posted/ updated usually within 2 days of the due date of the assignment or test. Please check your grade regularly for accuracy. Report all concerns immediately so they can be corrected. Grades will not be rounded.
Homework/Tests In order to prepare for summative evaluations, students are expected to complete all assigned work, including in class, homework and review assignments. Late assignments will be accepted for credit if the student is absent, and arrangements have been made with the teacher. Any other late assignments will be accepted for reduced credit only, at a reduction of 20% per day.
Homework/Tests Tests Chapter Tests Final All test dates will be posted well in advance of the test.
Homework/Tests Each test will consist of questions designed to access the students knowledge of the material, including, but not limited to vocabulary, multiple choice, and essay/short answer questions. If you have A going into the final, you do not have to take that exam.
Retake/Make-up test policy and guidelines Make up test will be available when students are absent. Dates the make up test will be posted in advance. Make up and retakes will be scheduled after school only. No make up or retakes will be given during class time… No exceptions…
Retake/Make-up test policy and guidelines Make up test may be a version of the original test. Retake tests will be all short answer essay questions, measuring the benchmarks/standards of the original test. The final decision regarding the ability of students to take retakes is up to the teacher.
Retake/Make-up test policy and guidelines If you do not show up for a make up/retake, for any reason, you forfeit your opportunity to a retake/make up a test. No retakes or early tests will be given for the final exam. Students missing the final will receive a zero on the exam, and that will be factored into their grade. The final exam will be between 15% and 20% of the final grade.
Text Message Reminders To get text message reminders for this class, text the following to: 81010 1st Hr. @5d1b7d 3rd Hr. @dafb91 4th Hr. @df954 5th Hr. @15fca5 6th Hr. @addb5