Marketing to the Youth Market - How Credit Unions can market together Catherine Coffey National Youth Committee Saturday, 24th February 2007
Introduction Life follows seasons Risks Dreams Legacy
What Defines Credit Unions? Our potential members need to understand what the credit union movement is about our operating principles our ethos our philosophies our vision
Operating Principles The International Credit Union Operating Principles clearly defines what credit unions are about: open & voluntary membership democratic control non-discrimination service to members
Operating Principles (Continued) distribution to members building financial stability co-operation among co-operatives on-going education social responsibility
Chapter Event AIMS/OBJECTIVES attract young people increase membership increase product/service use educate young people on the “credit union difference” create awareness of the credit union in a fun & exciting way GRAB THEIR ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter Event Voice of the Year Concept Chapter buy in Number of CUs involved Budget – how much, from where Dates Outcome
Key Tips for Success Planning Preparation Promotion
Planning the Event set out dates for meetings plan meeting - set agendas, goals to achieve set timescale/deadlines plan the schedule for the project create a budget for a Chapter event create a DIY pack
Preparation Each meeting needs to be: planned & structured interesting to keep everyone involved provide each person with a task involve group discussion NO “I” IN TEAMWORK
Preparation (Continued) Involvement Each person needs to feel: important welcome their contribution is valuable
Set a maximum time limit for meetings And stick to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PROMOTE THE EVENT Know the resources available & use them: local/county newspapers Mass newsletter student newsletters local radio programs or event guides AGM booklets posters leaflets entry forms/rules
Other Chapter Events Second Level Schools Quiz Battle of the Teenage Talent eXtra Factor Teenage Voice of the Year Competition
Chapter Events (Continued) International Volunteer of the Year Youth Endeavour Awards Spring into Action Second Level Debating Competition
CU4Youth Website
Thank You!