States of Matter AI lesson plan for Elementary Science Grade 3 Visual Arts & Dance
Eruption of Paracutín Dr. Atl (Mexico) 1943 Artful Thinking William H. Johnson: Blind Musician ca. 1940 CLAIM Make a claim about the science you see /hear in this artwork. SUPPORT Identify support for your claim Support = Things you see, feel and know that support your claim QUESTION Ask a question related to your claim. Question = What’s left hanging? What isn’t explained, What new reasons does your claim raise?
STATE OF MATTER DANCE √ With your group, identify the three states of matter. Identify /create a movement for each state of matter. Review the Elements of Dance Create a dance to illustrate the assigned scenario: be sure to incorporate one of the elements of dance that you are given on the card! Perform your dance! Option: Choose someone to narrate your dance.
Improvisation Activity Find your KINOSPHERE (your personal space with room to move without touching others). SAILSS: Supporting Arts Integrated Learning for Student Success Bates M.S./pklos
Movement Locomotor Motions created moving across SPACE Dancers using locomotor movements may… walk, run, skip, hop, jump, slide, leap, or gallop. Non-Locomotor Motions made while staying in one SPACE Dancers using non-locomotor movements may… bend, stretch, twist, or swing their body. SAILSS: Supporting Arts Integrated Learning for Student Success Bates M.S./pklos
Elements of Dance Body Energy Space Time Parts: Dance can focus on different body parts: legs, fingers, toes, head, elbows, shoulders etc. Body parts can be move in isolation or jointly Body parts can be open, closed or relaxed Shape: the body can contort itself into different shapes (i.e., curves, angles) The use of energy while moving: expressivity of the movement WEIGHT: Heavy or Light FLOW: Free or Bound, Sharp or Smooth, Tense or Relaxed SPACE: Direct or Indirect TIME: Quick or Sustained Pathways –patterns the dancer makes in the air or on the floor: curved lines, straight lines, zigzags, circles, figure-eights, and many more Shape - straight lines, curves, angles, free form, open, or closed; positive and negative space Balance - symmetrical, asymmetrical, or centered Level – vertical distance from the floor: high, medium, low, or on the floor. Plane: horizontal or vertical Direction - forward, backwards, diagonally, sideways, up, down, place middle TEMPO - the speed of the movement: fast, slow, moderate DURATION - the length of the dance or phrase: short, long or something in between. BEAT - pulse of the music RHYTHM: a recurring pattern of accents ACCENT- a movement or shape performed in such a way as to give emphasis Elements of Dance
STATE OF MATTER DANCE Solids – NON LOCOMOTOR MOVEMENT/Axial Movement Every atom is in a constant state of motion. In solids, each atom moves in its place. They don’t really travel throughout the object, but each atom moves in place. Try being an atom in a solid, like a rock, piece of wood, or an ice cube: Vibrate in place. Shake and bend. Body movements that keep your body in place are called axial or non-locomotor movements. Lead students to move and follow these directions to change/move as a state of matter.
STATE OF MATTER DANCE Liquids - Average Locomotor Movement Atoms in liquids move more than atoms in solids. This allows them to bend and become the shape of whatever container they are put in, or to spread out across a surface. They can bounce from place to place. That is one reason why it is so easy to separate a liquid into smaller pieces or amounts. Explore locomotion with words like melt, slosh, ripple, and pour.
STATE OF MATTER DANCE Gasses - Quick Locomotor Movement What do you know about gasses? One thing I always remember is that they spread out to fill whatever size container they are in. The atoms in a gas can spread apart or squish together to take up more or less space with the same amount of gas. This is because the atoms in a gas are extremely mobile and move very quickly. Move quickly through the space with jogs, skitters, skips, jumps, and hops. How can an object change from one state to another? How would I change a frozen, solid stick of butter to a melted, liquid pool of butter? Heating it up! As atoms become hotter and hotter they change from solid to liquid to gas. So as the atoms get hotter, they move faster, and become less dense.
Dance is often used to tell a story, convey a message Like a story or a book, each dance has a beginning, middle and an end. Dance is made up “movement materials”, connected into “phrases” and put together into a complete dance. SAILSS: Supporting Arts Integrated Learning for Student Success Bates M.S./pklos
Become a choreographer! DANCE allows the dancer or choreographer to communicate his/her ideas, thoughts, and feelings through movement. These movements are structured and repeatable, in that they can be taught to others. SAILSS: Supporting Arts Integrated Learning for Student Success Bates M.S./pklos
STATE OF MATTER DANCE √ With your group, identify the three states of matter. Identify /create a movement for each state of matter. Review the Elements of Dance Create a dance to illustrate the assigned scenario: be sure to incorporate one of the elements of dance that you are given on the card! Perform your dance! Option: Choose someone to narrate your dance.