Season 7 Saturday, March 23rd 6PM Coyote Idol Season 7 Saturday, March 23rd 6PM
It is time to come and show your talent Pick up a sign up sheet in the front office and come try out on Thursday, March 7th at 5PM. You must come ready to perform with all your music All performances must be 2 minutes or less No second chances given for inappropriate material Only 40 acts will be allowed
What to do You can sing, dance, twirl, jump rope. You can play an instrument or read a poem. You can act out a scene or do a comedy routine.
What you can’t do You can not lip synch You can not dance in an inappropriate manner Your music can not contain any suggestive or inappropriate language You can not make fun of someone else ALL ACTS MUST BE FAMILY FRIENDLY
We hope everyone will come!!! Come be a part of the show or come watch your friends perform. This is a free family fun night for all Kohrville students and families So come and enjoy some great performances and have some popcorn on us. DON’T FORGET TO GO BY THE OFFICE AND PICK UP TRYOUT FORM BEFORE THURSDAY!! GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!!!!!