Catcher in the rye -JD Salinger Aim: What predictions can we make about the novel The Catcher in the Rye based on the various book cover illustrations?
(You will have approximately 10 minutes) Do Now: Get into your groups (Randomly Generated!) Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Chelsea Frank Maria JohnPaul Dan N Mike D Mike G Vanessa William Alissa Antasha Ashley Valeria Ethan Jenna Bobby Jeff Dan C Max Erica Gabby Jessica Ryan Roberto Matt Angelina Elver In your packet there are 5 book covers that have been used for this novel. For each cover, consider the following questions and jot down your group notes: What do you think are the more important elements of the composition? Based on the cover, what do you think this book will be about? (You will have approximately 10 minutes)
(You will have approximately 10 minutes) Do Now: Get into your groups (Randomly Generated!) Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Rosanny Mike W Rob Josh Nick M Xavier C Xavier R Nick Katie Connor Chris Skylar Aleena Marty Mike R Jordan Thaina Heather Calvin Alex Jaden Gabby Helen Sal Jenifer Victor Sam In your packet there are 5 book covers that have been used for this novel. For each cover, consider the following questions and jot down your group notes: What do you think are the more important elements of the composition? Based on the cover, what do you think this book will be about? (You will have approximately 10 minutes)
Carousel Activity Around the room there are book covers posted with several pieces of chart paper. As a group, take two minutes to “ Read what the previous group(s) wrote Add a new idea that YOUR group discussed about this cover (predictions or elements of the composition) Wait for Mrs. T to prompt you to the next station. (When the bell rings, be ready to move on to the next station Move quickly BUT write NEATLY!)
How to read a Work of Art Questions to Consider about the composition: Where do you think the artist wants us to look? Tell me about the place in the painting? What else in the picture might be important? What might be happening in the picture? What words could we use to describe the mood/atmosphere? What do you think might be the message or theme?
Let’s Read… But First…a couple of terms: Turn to Chapter 1 (page____) Cyclical Narrative- A story that ends in the same place it began Frame Narrative- A frame narrative refers to a type of storytelling in which one or more stories take place within an overall story. Specific types of frame narratives include cyclical frame stories and stories in which the plot of the smaller stories are important to the larger frame story. Turn to Chapter 1 (page____)
Closing In your notes packet: Now that we have read the first chapter, has your prediction changed? How so? Be specific! Homework: Read chapter 2 and be prepared for a reading check quiz at the beginning of class tomorrow.