When Zion’s fortunes God restored, it was a dream come true When Zion’s fortunes God restored, it was a dream come true. Our mouths were then with laughter filled, our tongues with songs anew. [Sing to the Lord 126]
great things for Israèl.” The Lord did mighty things for us, 2. The nations said, “The Lord has done great things for Israèl.” The Lord did mighty things for us, and joy our hearts knew well.
like streams in desert soil. A joyful harvest will reward 3. Restore our fortunes, gracious Lord, like streams in desert soil. A joyful harvest will reward the weeping sower’s toil.
weeps as in toil he grieves, will come again with songs of joy, 4. The man who, bearing precious seed, weeps as in toil he grieves, will come again with songs of joy, and bearing harvest sheaves. Sing to the Lord 126 Used with permission Text: Sing Psalms, © Psalmody Committee, Free Church of Scotland, 2003, alt. Tune: Carl G. Gläser, 1828; arr. Lowell Mason, 1839