The Power of Questioning Conference
Welcome and Programme RBA Staff Questioning Conference Day 1 Programme Timings All Staff Venue Led by 8.00 – 8.25 Breakfast available Canteen KTA 8.25 – 8.35 Welcome and aims of the two days Hall RPH 8.35– 8.40 Introduction to Key Note Speaker CDE 8.40 – 9.40 Key Note Speaker – ‘What Every School Needs to Know About Psychology’ Nick Rose 9.40 – 9.50 Comfort Break All Session Staff 9.50 –10.45 Guest Speaker ‘The Power of Questioning’ All teaching Staff and TA’s Simon Hardwick TA’s Simon Hardwick Admin time TBC Support Staff 10.45 – 11.05 Break 11.05 – 12.05 Guest Speaker ‘The Power of Questioning’ Teaching Staff Bake Off 12.05 – 12.30 Create your action plan 12.30 – 13.00 Lunch 13.00 – 13.40 Workshop A – LILAC (Language in Learning Across the Curriculum) A2 RSA Workshop A - LILAC (Language in Learning Across the Curriculum) Support staff Workshops B - Technology and questioning Sixthform centre LTH Workshop D – ICT quick wins N5 LZI/SCR Workshop C - Practical ways to implement ‘Questioning’ HOD 13.45 – 16.00 Department Time to implement ‘The Power of Questioning’ Depts Various 17.00 Evening dinner invite at Maison Paul (Hoddesdon High Street, £10 for a two course meal)
RBA Staff Questioning Conference Day 2 Programme Timings All Staff Venue Led by 8.15 – 8.45 Breakfast available Canteen KTA 8.45-9.30 Wellbeing Hall BST/STW Please take your break when best suits you/your team. Tea and Coffee will be available all day in the canteen. Session Staff 9.15 – 12.15 Department Time to implement ‘The Power of Questioning’ Various Teaching Staff HOD Admin time Support Staff 12.15 – 12.45 Lunch All 12.45 – 13.20 Sharing Success/ Evaluation ALL CDE/RPH 13.30 Close
‘Our Journey to Good and Outstanding’ Marking and Assessment Feedback Our Six Key Drivers ‘Our Journey to Good and Outstanding’ SOL Marking and Assessment Feedback Questioning AFL Literacy Monitoring CPSD CPSD Questioning AFL
Aims Share practical advice and facilitate deeper thinking time, to support and embed ‘Questioning’ as one of our six key drivers, which will be transferrable to our ‘RBA Learning Wheel’. Ensure there is an active forum for CPSD (Continual Professional Staff Development) through our two day conference. To share good practice amongst ourselves and absorb the wealth of knowledge that this sitting here in this hall! Enjoy the two days and challenge your thinking!
Tom,… …? Ceddy,… …? Fill in the blank!
Welcome Nick Rose
RBA Learning Wheel ‘The Power of Questioning’ Action Plan Department: History Questioning techniques Key Stage How will we implement it? Day 1 Day 2 Check list Harder Thinking Socratic Process KS4 KS5 Unit 1A: Medicine Through Time: review lessons for each time period Appeasement – through the use of Edmodo AWA –update Ancient medicine BST - update Middle Ages RPH - update Renaissance Controversy lessons – weaving in hook and review Link into dept. action plan RAG units to identify quick wins Link in reviews to medicine lessons for the new spec. Thinking harder planning sheet for each unit Hmwks linked to students creating their own Socratic questions based on the controversy. Updated/integrated into RBA SOL Integrated into RBA within the ‘review’ phase Adjusted lessons to address the natural ‘forgetting curve’ 2016 2017 Probing questions KS5 Hmwks to create their own hooks and reviews to link with the topic to be used for revision KS3 Rotation of dept cluster meetings to review progress of the implementation of questioning Arrange to drop into colleagues and vice versa to see active questioning in actions Ensure SoL have clear references to the different styles of questioning that can be done verbally and written. RBA Learning Wheel
The Power of Questioning Conference - Day 2
Aims Share practical advice and facilitate deeper thinking time, to support and embed ‘Questioning’ as one of our six key drivers, which will be transferrable to our ‘RBA Learning Wheel’. Ensure there is an active forum for CPSD (Continual Professional Staff Development) through our two day conference. To share good practice amongst ourselves and absorb the wealth of knowledge that this sitting here in this hall! Enjoy the two days and challenge your thinking!
‘Our Journey to Good and Outstanding’ Marking and Assessment Feedback Evaluation ‘Our Journey to Good and Outstanding’ SOL Marking and Assessment Feedback Questioning AFL Literacy Monitoring CPSD SOL CPSD Monitoring Questioning AFL Literacy
What will outstanding questioning look like?
Specific Criteria Outstanding Good RI On your tables create a criteria for questioning. Use the key words as prompts (to avoid overloading!) Specific Criteria Outstanding Good RI
Sharing Success
Maria, Emma, Lynn, Lee, James and Andrew George, Dave and Lee Maria, Emma, Lynn, Lee, James and Andrew PDT
Richard Saunders, Suzanne Crow, Sarah Tweddell and Bryony Stockwell