Put it in and what comes out? Functions Put it in and what comes out? OUTPUT INPUT DOMAIN RANGE
What did the box teach you?
Function (input/output) Tables Make an input/output table for the function y = 3x + 1.5 Use 0, 1, 2, 3 as the domain Input (x) Output (y) 1 2 3
Now it’s your turn! PWB Page 23 #3-4 X (domain) Y (range) X (domain) Y
Finding Functions in Real Life The Gwinnett County Fair charges $4.00 per vehicle and $1.50 for each person in the vehicle. If you represent the total charge as C as a function of the number of persons (p), what would it look like as a function and as a table? Function Form TABLE FORM P C 1 5.50 2 7.00 3 8.50 4 10.00 People charge + vehicle charge = cost $1.50 per person + $4.00 = total cost Let p = number of people c = total cost 1.50p + 4 = C
Individual Practice Page 51 #1-13 All problems How did you do? 0- 7 correct: Oops I need tutoring NOW! 8-9: Well at least I would pass the CRCT 10 or more? Yippee I will pass Mrs. Rose’s test!