Russia 1450-1750
Duchy of Muscovy (княжество Московское)
Roots of Russian Absolutism First Czar, Ivan the Terrible, died in 1584 During the “Time of Troubles” (1604-1613) nobles elected czars who promised to respect nobles’ privileges Nat’l Assembly elected boy czar Michael Romanov in 1613 Crest of Romanov Dynasty
Roots of Russian Absolutism Romanovs soon began to eliminate representative institutions and establish themselves as absolutists Peasant revolt led by Stephen Razin in 1671 resulted in repression of the peasantry By 1675, Russian serfs were no longer “bound to the soil” like they were in Prussia, Poland, Bohemia
Peter the Great Became czar in 1682 Spent time in Holland and England as a young man Became determined to introduce Western technology and governmental organization to Russia Sought a warm water port
Peter the Great Unsuccessful campaigns against the Ottomans in Black Sea region caused him to look north Sweden was the main obstacle to Russian expansion there After initial setbacks, Swedes were defeated at Poltava in 1709 Great Northern War ended in 1721 and earned Russia St. Petersburg