Computer Science Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 On your computer at home or laptop install the latest version of Python and suitable IDE. Python is open source and can be freely downloaded from The latest version is 3.6.5 and is available for windows, MAC OSX and Linux (including Raspberry pi). The package includes the IDLE IDE which is a decent starting point. Python is a good language to start programming with. It is well featured and has a friendly syntax that helps keep your code well organised. If you go onto to use other languages the techniques that you learn in Python are transferable. Task 2 Go to the website and open the Python course. You will need to create an account but your progress will be saved. Spend sometime with the course (it will ease you in gently and uses an IDE built into the website). You should aim to complete the free parts of topics 1, 2 and 3 by the end of the Summer. If you are more experienced with Python you might want to skip ahead with some of the lessons. This site, amongst others, is a good resource to use if need to remind yourself of how things work (well worth bookmarking). Keep a programming diary of what you have covered each week. You should be aiming for at least an hour a week with this website and don’t be afraid to look at other parts of the website, the courses on HTML, CSS and JavaScript are of particular relevance to the web technologies part of the course. By the end of the holiday you should be aiming to have completed topic 3. Task 3 Pick one of the notable Computer scientists below and research them. Ada Lovelace Charles Babbage Alan Turing Steve Wozniak Tim Berners-Lee Larry Page Grace Hopper John Von Neumann Create a short (under 5 minutes) presentation on the person you have chosen ready for when you return in September. Your presentation doesn’t have to be a Powerpoint, you can use other presentation tools such as or create a film.