CEPA supports ACS members in their professional lives. CEPA SP Retreat March 13-14, 2014 CEPA MISSION CEPA supports ACS members in their professional lives. CEPA VISION ACS members have fulfilling professional lives. American Chemical Society American Chemical Society
ACS Domestic Chemists Unemployment Modular survey methodology launched Adapted from ACS Comprehensive Salary and Employment Surveys 2004 to 2016; the 2017 Q3-Q4 ACS modular survey; and the Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment status of the civilian population 25 years and over by educational attainment (March of each year) American Chemical Society
ACS Onsite Career Fair Number of Job Seekers 422 Employers 27 Recruiter Booths 23 Private Offices 23 Résumé Reviews 316 Mock Interviews 139 American Chemical Society
Career Consultant Program GOAL: Provide personalized, real-time coaching and career related resources to chemical professionals at all stages of their careers. Website: https://goo.gl/2sppC9 ACS Contact: K_Browne@acs.org American Chemical Society