Effect of Glasnot and Perestroika in Eastern Europe
1. Increased demands for Political Reform and Free elections Lets do it my way )
Poland – Trade Union Solidarity demanded free elections and led to the first non-communist government in Eastern Europe
2. Opening of Borders with the West Hungary – denouncing the 1956 Soviet invasion of Hungary and open up borders with Austria.
3. Fall of the Berlin Wall Originally built in 1961 to prevent the flood of East Germans who were fleeing to the West in search of employment and a better standard of living
In 1989, demonstrations in East Germany break out which call for greater freedom and reunification with West Germany.
The GDR Chancellor asked Gorbachev to send in troops but Gorbachev refused. The Berlin Wall demonstrated Gorbachev’s willingness to give up control of Eastern Europe and inspired increased demand for democratic reforms and economic reforms in the rest of Eastern Europe
4. Violent overthrow of communist governments which refused to reform Eg. Romania and Nicolae Ceausescu
5. The spread of nationalism to the Soviet Union (15 republics) Baltic States – Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. 1939 - 1991
Armenians in Arzerbaijan demanded the right to join Armenia.
Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Belarus and the Central Asian republics (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan)