Paul’s “Last Will & Testament” SECOND TIMOTHY
THE LETTER Apparently Paul’s last letter (4:6-22), shortly before his execution Date: Approximately A.D. 65-67 A “farewell” to Timothy Also an encouragement to Timothy to fulfill his ministry & share in suffering for the gospel Addressed to Timothy, but also to the whole church (4:22 – first “you” is singular, second is plural)
THE STORY BEHIND THE LETTER Paul is in prison awaiting execution, apparently in Rome (1:17) When imprisoned before, he expected to be released (Phil 1:19- 26) – but not this time He says he is “already being poured out as a drink offering & the time of my departure has come” Paul is obviously lonely & asks Timothy to come to visit him In spite of loneliness, he doesn’t wallow in self-pity or defeat, but is confident that the Lord will rescue him “from every evil deed”
MAJOR THEMES Paul’s suffering for the gospel – part of his calling as apostle, not an “unfortunate by-product” Encouragement to Timothy to fulfill his ministry – 34 imperatives in this letter of 83 verses. Paul will soon be gone; Timothy must carry on the ministry of the gospel The need for “sound” (healthy) teaching – Timothy must “follow the pattern of sound words” & “guard the good deposit” The need for Timothy’s Godly behavior – He must be careful not to discredit his message by a bad example Paul’s impending death – His task is finished. He is lonely but has a bright hope for the life to come
WHAT WAS TIMOTHY TO DO? Take his share of suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus Avoid stupid controversies & quarrels Follow Paul’s example of faithfulness & not become side- tracked Continue in what he had learned from his family & from the Scriptures Preach the word “in season & out of season” “Come before winter”
LESSONS FOR TODAY Faith in Christ must be passed from ____________ to _____________. It’s impossible to serve Christ w/out ____________ for it. We are to ________ God more than self, money, & pleasure. We should avoid foolish _____________ that don’t do any good.
KEY VERSES “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me, but also to all who have loved his appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:7-8