2017 GUOS Committee Geographic Operations Support Committee Report to Region 6 NE Area 10 March 2017
2017 GUOS Committee Costas Martin Lorena Elias Susan Elisa Doug Daniel Francis Satish 11/21/2018
Committee Directory Costas Stasopoulos (R8) Chair costas@ieee.org Martin Bastiaans (R8) Past Chair m.j.bastiaans@ieee.org Lorena García (R9) Region Representative lorenagarcia@ieee.org Elias Nassar (R8) Section Representative eliasnassar@ieee.org Susan (Kathy) Land (R3) Society Representative, TA appointed skland@computer.org Elisa Barney Smith (R6) Chapter Representative ebarneysmith@boisestate.edu Daniel Pasquet (R8) Affinity Group Representative d.pasquet@ieee.org Douglas Zuckerman (R1) Chapter Representative, TA appointed w2xd@aol.com Francis Grosz (R5) Student Representative f.b.grosz@ieee.org Satish Babu (R10) Transnational Representative Sb.inapp@gmail.com 11/21/2018
Geographic Unit Operations Support Committee Charter – MGA Operations Manual 4.5 Scope The committee is responsible for design, development, and implementation of the support model for the Geographic Units. It shall also recommend policy for effective operation of the Geographic Units. Functions Oversight of Geographic Unit operations and the support structures, develop parameters to be included in the funding model for supporting the Geographic Units (for MGA Finance Committee to use in allocating resources) Monitor and promote Geographic Unit activities related to MGA objectives (Member Engagement, Professional Development, Public Imperatives, etc.)
Overview of Section Vitality Program Need - In 2011, the Geographic Unit Operation Support Committee (GUOS) addressed the concern that many sections were struggling to engage their members and required support. Solution - GUOS initiated a new Section Vitality Program to identify issues sections were facing and provide support as needed. In order to facilitate this program, GUOS created a volunteer position responsible for assessing section needs, identify potential solutions and coach section officers to implement change. Over the years the program has continued to evolve to provide tools, education, mentoring and encourage collaboration on key issues. 11/21/2018
Section Vitality Provides Focus on a Positive Member Experience at the Local Level Welcomed Known to others Recognized As a Member of my section I am... Informed Consulted Listened to Able to Learn & Grow Professionally
2014 Vitality Survey results identified Top 10 areas of importance for Members Percentage Involvement with local industry 39 Participate in Conferences 38 Supporting student branch activity 37 Professional development and networking within Section 28 Participating in an IEEE continuing education program Participating in a career related program Welcoming notes to new members inviting them to events 27 Section web page is maintained and kept current 26 Conducting an outreach or hold an event to help members advance in grade Conduct joint events with other professional societies or organizations 11/21/2018
Region Vitality Coordinators Region Vitality Coordinator was a new position created to assess section needs, identify solutions and coach section officers to implement change. The Section Vitality Program has been positively received by the regions and sections. 11/21/2018
RVC Program Overview Previously presented to RVC and RD’s 10 Region Vitality Coordinators established in 2011 Members of Region Committee Develop plan for increasing section (member) vitality within the region Establish frequent coordination with section leaders Promote programs/activities benefiting members Identify & report vitality issues Feedback to GUOS Committee These goals have not changed Region 6 = Dan Christianson - Utah
RVC examples (Region 2 and 8) Strong Region leadership support Engaged with Area Chairs to implement plan Work individually to implement plan and engage with Sections Monthly meetings to follow up Ongoing communication with Sections Use the Section Vitality Self Assessment to as a key guide to develop a plan Use operational factors such as use of vTools for elections, reporting and meetings to develop plan Representation at the Region meeting
Previous RVC Program Activities New Tools Region Vitality Checklist - This checklist suggests specific actions and activities to the RVCs to perform at different times of the year. This way, new RVCs can quickly get an overview of the responsibilities of their role and a clear activity guideline directly from the start of the year. Section Election Calendar Tool - This tool allows easy timeline exploration for section elections and helps the RVCs to monitor and support the elections in their respective region. Section Election Status Sheet – This sheet allows you to tract election information for the Sections in your region Google Drive Repository - Central place for documents / webinar materials Webinar presentations available for review as well as links to the recordings of the webinars on WebEx Set up an RVC liaison to GUOS committee Aleksandar Szabo Region 8 RVC Collaborate with Region level Volunteers to create a consistent plan throughout the Region. Region Directors Martin approached the Directors at Board Meeting to encourage Regions to take vitality issues more seriously / appoint more experienced volunteers as RVCs / provide more support to RVCs
Review Region Sections Self Assessment data 2016 RVC Activities plans Review Region Sections Self Assessment data Identify 3-5 Sections that you would like to focus on Review or identify Sections key issues or concerns, plan how to assist Utilize RVC Checklist 11/21/2018
MoSCoW final outcome - Vitality Program MUST HAVES and SHOULD HAVES RVC should be an official member of the Region Committee Region to dedicate time for RVC to interact with section chairs at Region Meeting RVC Present report at Region meeting on section vitality Process to identify new RVC in November Develop performance indicators for the Section Identify a baseline index/metric to capture vitality Communication to section chairs to introduce them to program, be aware and engage with the RVC Provide email access to RVC (section officers) (to do election reminders, etc.) Training - onboarding new RVC's (requirements tbd, e.g. how to use vitality dashboard) prior to January d RVC Handbook for reference (what to do, when, how) RVC collect Best Practices from sections as exemplars (including small and medium section case studies, election practices, MGA awards) and store in repository for reference RVC will coordinate and collaborate with the Region Membership Development Chair RVC will coordinate and collaborate with Region Educational Chair RVC will coordinate and collaborate with Region Chapter Coordinator Ongoing collaboration between RVC's (e.g. Collabratec) To incorporate section vitality in criteria for best Section awards RVC access to membership data stats within each section Region Vitality Coordinator training Region Ownership Managing Vitality to a performance measurement Collaboration with other Region Support positions Awareness Tools Awareness
2016 Section Vitality Self Assessment Summary 11/21/2018
2016 Section Vitality Self Assessment Section Vitality Checklist sent to all officers to confirm their activities and planning items executed in current year. Objectives: Gain insight into section focus and operations affecting vitality. Request any additional comments or concerns Rate key area level of Importance Aided the RVC in development of a planning strategy for execution during the year. Methodology: Ran 4 weeks 16 December – 16 January Target All officers in Regions 1-10 Response rate ~ 84% (282 Sections) 11/21/2018
Vitality Surveys 11/21/2018
2015 Section Vitality Self Assessment – 61% response rate Region # of Sections in Region # of Sections Responded Percentage 1 22 14 64% 2 20 8 40% 3 41 18 44% 4 23 87% 5 26 15 58% 6 35 29 83% 7 21 10 48% 56 37 66% 9 33 70% 57 46%
2016 Section Vitality Self Assessment – 84% response rate Region # of Sections in Region # of Sections Responded Percentage 1 22 21 95% 2 20 14 70% 3 41 33 80% 4 23 87% 5 26 19 73% 6 35 30 86% 7 8 57 51 89% 9 25 75% 10 49
2016 Assessment Results: Yes No NA Recruit new volunteers. 94% 5% 1% Yes No NA Recruit new volunteers. 94% 5% 1% Report all Section Officers, Affinity Group, Chapter, and Student Branch Chairs. 88% 6% Plan and budget for Section, Chapter, and Affinity Group activities for the year. 7% 4% Complete and submit all IEEE mandated documentation (e.g. Meeting Reports, Financials (NetSuite/ L50) to close the previous year. 87% 8% Communicate with the Section membership and announce new officers. 86% 11% Engage with Regional Leadership and activities, e.g. attend annual regional meeting. 85% 45 Conduct Professional Development Activities, e.g. workshop/seminar. 82% 17% 2% Encourage members to renew. 14% Hold Officer Elections. 13% Review meeting reporting on vTools for all local units and bring it up to date. 81% 15% Review Affinity Group and Chapter activities to ensure continuity. 80% Solicit nominations for leadership roles for the upcoming year and develop the slate for elections. Update section website. 79% 16% Conduct joint meeting with student branches, e.g. technical presentation, Student Professional Activities Conference (S-PAC). 78% Use Section Vitality Dashboard, vTools to understand your Section. 18% Support an affinity group function in conjunction with the section. 74% 11/21/2018
2016 Assessment Results: Yes No NA Yes No NA Conduct joint meeting with student branches, e.g. student training, STEP event. 72% 23% 5% Establish partnership with industry, e.g. joint technical presentation/training. 71% 26% 4% Communicate with section members on IEEE activities, such as webinars. 70% Establish a plan for engaging with members in industry. 65% 30% Conduct an event to support involvement with local industry. 21% Conduct a Membership Development activity, e.g. membership recruitment or elevation meeting. Half-year dues cycle starts in March. Contact deactivated members and ask them to renew. 64% 31% Promote a pre-university activity in your area, e.g. TISP, science fair judging. 63% 6% Conduct a Membership recruitment event, e.g. social event. 33% 3% Solicit nominations for awards, e.g. regional or MGA or Technical Activities (TA). 61% 32% 19% Organize an Annual Dinner with Section Awards. Conduct a Continuing Education activity. 60% 35% Submit nominations for awards, e.g. MGA, TA, and Region. Solicit nominations for Section Awards. 55% 39% Update local operating procedures. 54% 14% Reach out to non-renewing members before the deactivation date (end of February). 52% 41% 7% Section election was carried out using vTools? 48% 44% 9% Conduct humanitarian/community engagement projects. 45% 46% Organize a workshop for Chapter and Affinity Group Chairs. Train new officers through the Center for Leadership Excellence. 38% 17% If there are no affinity groups or chapters in the Section, use SAMIEEE and Dashboard to determine members’ interests. 50% 11/21/2018
Performance indicators identified by 2016 Sub-Committee Code Performance indicators 1 Recognition 2 Section Operations 3 Volunteer Recruitment 4 Outreach 5 Chapter Activities/Affinity Group 6 Professional Development 11/21/2018
Performance indicators Actions/Activities 1 Solicit nominations for awards, e.g. regional or MGA or Technical Activities (TA). Submit nominations for awards, e.g. MGA, TA, and Region. Solicit nominations for Section Awards. Organize an Annual Dinner with Section Awards. 2 Complete and submit all IEEE mandated documentation (e.g. Meeting Reports, Financials (NetSuite/ L50) to close the previous year. Report all Section Officers, Affinity Group, Chapter, and Student Branch Chairs. Update section website. Update local operating procedures. Use Section Vitality Dashboard, vTools to understand your Section. Engage with Regional Leadership and activities, e.g. attend annual regional meeting. Section election was carried out using vTools? Hold Officer Elections. Review meeting reporting on vTools for all local units and bring it up to date. Communicate with the Section membership and announce new officers. 3 Recruit new volunteers. Solicit nominations for leadership roles for the upcoming year and develop the slate for elections. 4 Reach out to non-renewing members before the deactivation date (end of February). Conduct a Membership Development activity, e.g. membership recruitment or elevation meeting. Half-year dues cycle starts in March. Contact deactivated members and ask them to renew. Establish a plan for engaging with members in industry. Communicate with section members on IEEE activities, such as webinars. If there are no affinity groups or chapters in the Section, use SAMIEEE and Dashboard to determine members’ interests. Promote a pre-university activity in your area, e.g. TISP, science fair judging. Establish partnership with industry, e.g. joint technical presentation/training. Encourage members to renew. Conduct an event to support involvement with local industry. Conduct humanitarian/community engagement projects. Conduct a Membership recruitment event, e.g. social event. 5 Plan and budget for Section, Chapter, and Affinity Group activities for the year. Organize a workshop for Chapter and Affinity Group Chairs. Review Affinity Group and Chapter activities to ensure continuity. Conduct joint meeting with student branches, e.g. student training, STEP event. Support an affinity group function in conjunction with the section. Conduct joint meeting with student branches, e.g. technical presentation, Student Professional Activities Conference (S-PAC). 6 Train new officers through the Center for Leadership Excellence. Conduct Professional Development Activities, e.g. workshop/seminar. Conduct a Continuing Education activity. 11/21/2018
Performance indicators identified by 2016 Sub-Committee Code Performance indicators 1 Section Operations 2 Volunteer Recruitment 3 Professional Development 4 Outreach 5 Recognition 6 Chapter Activities/Affinity Group 11/21/2018
Performance indicators identified by 2016 Sub-Committee Code Performance indicators 1 Section Operations 2 Volunteer Recruitment 3 Professional Development 4 Outreach 5 Recognition 6 Chapter Activities/Affinity Group 11/21/2018
All Responses 11/21/2018
Region 6 11/21/2018
NE Area 11/21/2018
Geographic Unit Operations Support Committee face to face meeting Sections Congress 2017 role in support of Vitality Effort 24-26 February 2017 Manchester UK,
Sections Congress 2017 role in support of Vitality Effort Develop a Pre and Post Process at Region and Section level 11/21/2018
Sections Congress 2017 role in support of Vitality Effort Label sessions at SC by vitality category End of event closing activity to move learning to take- home action. Slide deck for attendees to take home and build on to present to sections. Follow-up post SC on take-home activities 11/21/2018