Learning Goals
HIV Care Workforce Trends
The Graying of HIV
The Gardner Cascade of Engagement in HIV Care
Profile of HIV PCPs
National HIV/AIDS Strategy
Mentoring in Action Urban Solutions Inc, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
US Federal Funding for HIV/AIDS The President’s Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Request
Mentoring Initiative Expansion of Access to Quality HIV Care and Increased Diversity in HIV Provider Workforce
Increasing the HIV Workforce Capacity in Rural Kansas
Training of Internal Medicine Residents to Provide HIV Care St John Hospital and Medical Center, Grosse Pointe, Michigan
Overall Test Results by Residency Training Program Year
Residency Training Program Mentee Satisfaction
Telehealth Beyond Telemedicine
Geographic Disparity of HIV Infection in the United States, 2010
Using Telehealth to Increase the HIV Workforce Capacity
OASIS Clinic, Los Angeles, California
References (cont)
References (cont)
References (cont)
References (cont)