Change Management: The people side Jillian J. Gonzales, MA Employee & Organizational Development Resource materials by PROSCI Welcome and Introduction- Good morning I am Jillian Gonzales, Senior OD Consultant in EOD. I have to thank Elaine Rising for inviting me and this topic to Tech Days 2018. As far as I know this is the first time the topic of change management has been addressed at Tech Days. I hope I can do it justice so you each leave with a new perspective regarding how people manage change. What we will do this morning. Intro a model to support and facilitate the people side of change. First let’s get an idea of what change means to each of individually. Organizational outcomes only happen when individuals change.
What is the change? When did you find out about it? When did you embark on it? How will the change impact you? Your work? Your family? What are you experiencing right now regarding the change? Example of behavior change. Think/choose a change that you are experiencing right now. Work and/or personal and respond to these questions either in your head, on paper in a device.
Why? WIIFM? How do I do the new thing? I can do the new thing! Congrats! Now place yourself in this cycle based on the change you are experiencing. Discuss the change process people go through. Make connection to the concept that organizations only change when people change. Even during forced change people go through the cycle. Transition to next slide. Examples from the audience.
Successful Tech implementations without change management Successful Tech implementations without change management. Look familiar? Common experience?
A structured process to manage the people side of change. A competency of leaders and managers to support employees through the stages of change. Includes three elements required for successful change. Prosci® PCT™ Model What is Change Management? There is an assessment to measure each of these areas. The outcome of the assessments help determine which CM strategy should be taken. CM is one of the three elements of the project change triangle. Each of these elements is needed to have successful outcomes. Leadership/Sponsorship- The who of who sets the direction of the organization. The required leadership to set change into motion. Project management- The fundamentals of managing a project. The people side of change. The actions taken to help employees move from the current state to the future state.
Manage employee resistance to change Why apply CM? Manage employee resistance to change Increase probability of project success Build change competency into the organization Capture people- dependent ROI People dependent ROI- speed of adoption, utilization and proficiency
Prosci® ADKAR® Model Why? Congrats! WIIFM? I can do the new thing! How do I do the new thing? ADKAR is a model for individual change. Familiar? Think back to the beginning of the presentation. See where the categories fall in the cycle? Its application extends to organization and system wide change. Review the process. CM includes supporting people through the individual change process and applying the components at an organizational level. What does that look like? Engaging a sponsor, coaching, change awareness, communication, training, evaluation.
Which groups will experience significant change? What is the change? Which groups will experience significant change? What is changing for these groups? How will the groups be impacted differently? What are the ADKAR® differences by group? What adjustments do you need to make based on those differences? How do you begin to identify the opportunity for CM? The responses to these questions. Again, think back to your individual example. Or identify a current organizational change. Approach includes model, communication, coaching, sponsorship and training plan.
Primary sponsor directs and authorizes the change. The number one determination for success or failure of organizational change is a visible and active sponsor. Primary sponsor directs and authorizes the change. General sponsors leaders who actively supports the change.
Sponsor assessment- what needs to happen
Sponsor level
Why apply CM? Manage employee resistance to change Increase probability of project success Build change competency into the organization Capture people- dependent ROI
Why apply CM?
Jillian j. Gonzales, ma employee & organizational development Thank you for attending! Jillian j. Gonzales, ma employee & organizational development