How would you describe the color RED to a person who cannot see?
Light & Color Notes
Light & Matter When light strikes any form of matter, it can interact in 3 different ways. It can be reflected, absorbed, or transmitted. Reflection happens when light bounces off matter. Absorption happens when light’s energy is absorbed by matter. Transmission is the passing of light through matter.
Types of Matter Transparent Matter will transmit light easily. Translucent Matter will transmit light but cause it to scatter so it will not transmit an image. Opaque Matter will not transmit any light.
Colors of Objects The color that an object appears to be is determined by the wavelength of light that reaches your eye because humans see different wavelengths as different colors. Light reaches your eyes by being reflected off an object or after being transmitted through an object. Your eyes receive the light and send signals to your brain, then your brain interprets the signals as colors.
Colors of Opaque Matter When white light hits opaque matter, some colors in the white light are absorbed and some are reflected. The light that is reflected reaches your eyes. So the light that is reflected determines the color you see. When all light is reflected the matter appears white. When all light is absorbed the matter appears black.
Colors of Transparent & Translucent Matter The color of transparent and translucent matter is determined differently than opaque. Transparent and translucent matter does not reflect light it transmits it. When light passes through a transparent or translucent object, the light that reaches your eye is the light that is transmitted all the way through the object, the other colors are absorbed by the object.
Mixing Colors of Light When you mix colored light you can create white light. The primary colors of light are Red, Blue, & Green. When colors of light combine to make new colors it is called color addition.
Mixing Colors of Pigment Pigment is a material that gives substances their color. When you mix colored pigments you create black. The primary colors of pigments are Magenta, Cyan, & Yellow. When colors of pigments combine to make new colors it is called color subtraction.