Well Pull Hoist Vehicle Failure Safety Alert 02/93 Committed to Safety Well Pull Hoist Vehicle Failure Background Thursday 4th February 1993, a road traffic accident occurred involving a third party vehicle and a helper on a well pull hoist vehicle (WPH), resulting in fatal injuries to the WPH helper. The accident happened on the blacktop section of road between Marmul and Nimr at 2215 hrs. The WPH vehicle was part of a four vehicle authorised night convoy move to a location at Karim West. At 19 Km from Nimr, a failure of the air system activated the fail safe brakes and rendered the vehicle immobile. The rest of the convoy pulled off the road, vehicles were parked and some personnel went to the assistance of the WPH vehicle driver. Whilst three drivers and one helper were gathered around the WPH vehicle, a third party vehicle approached them from the direction of Nimr; the driver of the vehicle failed to see the people on the road and consequently struck the WPH helper, narrowly avoiding the three drivers who took evasive action. This unfortunate accident highlights yet again the hazards of night driving, but the learning points are equally valid for movement by day in inclement weather, such as sand storms, rain, mist of fog. Any authorised journey by daylight, night and/or inclement weather which involves one or more heavy vehicles should as part of the planning process include the following procedures as a minimum. Learning Points Drivers should, in the event of a mechanical or electrical problem occurring in a vehicle, try to manoeuvre the vehicle off the road; Other drivers in the convoy should pull off the road and stay in their vehicles unless directed by the convoy leader to assist occupants of the disabled vehicle; Convoy leaders should minimise the amount of personnel moving on or near the road edge, to those essential for preventive or corrective action;
Learning Points cont’d .... Committed to Safety Learning Points cont’d .... Portable hazard warning beacons should be carried by all vehicles, these should be placed 100 metres to the front and rear of the disabled vehicle; Convoy leaders should verify that the road has been adequately secured prior to starting any corrective action; Each vehicle should carry 2 red flags, these should be used by drivers or helpers, as directed by the convoy leader, to control and warn other traffic of the hazards; At night and / or in inclement weather additional hazard warning devices (fluorescent jackets, traffic cones, reflective triangles) should be used; At night turn off vehicle headlights, but leave side lights, rear lights and hazard warning lights on, in daylight all lights should remain on; In situations where the visibility is greatly reduced, park the vehicle with all lights on and move away from the vehicle to a safe place.