Grace Evangelical Christian School WWW.GECSCHOOL.NET
WHY? Public school have drastically changed in moral teaching. Church role is to help people including children develop and grow in Christ. Outreach ministry to Slavic population for the church May our sons run and not get weary; May our daughters walk and not faint. May they fly straight and strong like arrows to the mark, For the kingdom, for the glory of Jesus's name
3 Goals of GEC School Christian environment Prayer, religion courses Academia Slavic Language/Culture Christian environment Prayer, religion courses Bible truth based academia Smaller school less bad influence 1-2 years ahead of public school. More advanced curriculum than Common Core requires. More logical sequence, and lots of review. No secular biased on the way data is presented Teach the children to read, write, and speak in Ukrainian(possible Russian). Teach about Slavic Culture, to close the gap between the generation Teacher’s that specialized in Slavic education
A BEKA Advanced 1-2 grades higher than most public schools Bible- The foundation for all learning Reading- Logical teaching of reading, stories are Christian themed History- A realistic view of time, government, geography, and economics based on eternal truths Mathematics- The study of logic and order to apply to science and daily life Science/Health -The investigation of variety, order, and reasonableness revealed in creation English- The study of language and communication in a structured, reasonable, and well-articulated manner
Grades Kindergarten – 6th Grade All depends on amount of students we get for each grade Minimum 10 students per Class to no more than 20 students per Class No-more combine classes unless necessary Student must turn 5 by September 30th to go to Kindergarten
Typical daily schedule
Teachers School will be register with the State of Ohio and follow all the required rules All the teachers will be certified by the State of Ohio to teach based on qualification Major teachers will have at least a bachelor degree Minor teachers will be specialized in their subject field, or have prior teaching experience Teachers will undergo training and classes specifically in properly teaching A BEKA curriculum. A certificate issued under division (A)(3) of this section shall be valid only for teaching foreign language, music, religion, computer technology, or fine arts.
New Classes Possible Offered Possible Russian Language specialist (10 kids minimum) Music Class (possible band depends on kids) Actively recruiting and in talks with teachers for the school Different guest speakers specialized in the field, pastor, fireman, etc.
Guidelines No lunch, have to pack, looking into offering pizza days. Parent Handbook, must agree and sign Professional atmosphere and respect between parents and teachers Board of trustees will decide major issues
Tuition/Scholarship Tuition $2500 for the 1st child $2000 for the 2nd child $1500 for the 3rd + child Paid in three ways Full year Bi-annual 2 payments Monthly 10 payments Plus fee for the workbooks that kids will keep and write in Typically around $200 Money should not be the only reason to not send the child to GEC school. Church Possible lower tuition for multiple children based on amount of kids Private Privately sponsored NOT CHURCH MONEY Qualification will be based on the donor request
Goals Currently in the Works Working on attaining Non-Public State of Ohio Charter Once we get the charter would be allowed to receive vouchers for kids, not this year Expand the school if enough kids sign up build classrooms
Transportation Trying to get public school buses by the start of the 2017 school year Work with parents to get ride sharing, possible extra income $4 child/day Too much hassle and expense to offer everybody private buses