LO: To outline the challenges facing people on the fringe of hot deserts. To evaluate those challenges to make a decision about which is the greatest challenge. Using the photo. List the challenges facing the people here. What challenge do you think would be the most difficult?
Teacher, you have a choice either teach with slides or give out slides 7 to 14 first for them to have a look at so they can think hard! They could name them. Around the room are a selection of images and graphs. Have a look and note down what you think the challenge is and add any useful bits of data you could use in a PEEL paragraph.
Challenge Water scarcity https://edition.cnn.com/2018/01/24/africa/cape-town-water-crisis-trnd/index.html Challenge Water scarcity
Challenge Drought
Challenge Politics Americans and the Chinese remains high in what may be the largest untapped oil reserves on the continent, "the El Dorado of the Sahel", which extends from Mauritania to Algeria across north Mali. The US have established drone bases in Djibouti, Niger, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, Burkina Faso and the Seychelles, and sent troops to Liberia during the Ebola crisis in 2014. Not to be outdone, France also announced plans to increase its presence in the Sahel with a redeployment of 3,000 troops. The increasing militarisation of Africa is a new profit centre, coveted by the military-industrial complex with millions of dollars of contracts for arms manufacturers and private contractors. Which countries are in the Sahel? Why will this be a problem or challenge? Could it also be seen as an opportunity?
Challenge Over use Over extraction of water? Lake Chad Explain why this is a challenge? Over extraction of water? Lake Chad https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/02/shrinking-lake-chad-worsen-hunger-crisis-africa-180226124801785.html
What are these companies?
Fuelwood is a major source of energy in the Sahel region Fuelwood is a major source of energy in the Sahel region. However, an already dry region has been made drier by the deforestation that has taken place as the reduction in transpiration has reduced rainfall. The removal of trees has means that there are no longer any roots to bind the soil and, as the soil is exposed, it becomes more vulnerable to soil erosion. The combination of deforestation, overgrazing and over cultivation has led to desertification.
Evaluation Now rank order the challenges you have found from most challenging to least challenging. For each challenge write a sentence to explain why it is a challenge. Use connectives like so… this means that...You can group them if you want. USe data or examples. Pick the biggest challenge facing this region and explain why you think this. (JUSTIFY) FOR EXAMPLE: Population growth of 3% in the region of the Sahel has led to two challenges over extraction of water such as in Lake Chad and overgrazing in areas like Burkina Faso….this means that…. A question may be For a hot desert you have studied, to what extent does that environment provide challenges to development?