Constitution Vocab 8-3.2-4
Great Compromise The Connecticut Plan Bi-Cameral, Senate and House of Representatives Senate would be equal and House proportional representation.
Reapportionment To reassign or redistribute resources or political power in a different way.
Ratification To Pass a resolution or a vote for something.
Nulllify To make null and void.
Bill OF Rights The 1st 10 Amendments to the constitution. Rights each person has as a citizen. Passed in 1791.
Amendments Means to add on.
War Hawks The delegates in congress that wanted to go to war again with England in the War of 1812.
Embargo A ban on trade with another country.
Tariff Tax
Unalienable Individual Rights
Popular Sovereignty The People have the right to vote on an issue.
Representative Democracy Our government. People have rights and freedoms, but they send a representative to Washington to vote and represent the people from each state.
To give up to another country. Mexico ceded land to the United States.