Body Systems pg. 79L Phenomena
What is your experience with them? Do Now # 1 pg. 80 What do you know about energy drinks? Why are they called energy drinks? What is your experience with them? What are your thoughts or opinions about energy drinks?
81 L What I wonder What I notice 81R
Log into and read the article titled: Scientists test energy drink, learn it may not be good for healthy hearts Fill out what I wonder and what I noticed while reading the article. Take the quiz too.
81 L What I wonder What I notice 81R
How does an energy drink affect your heart? 82R On the human, draw a way to explain how the energy drink affects your heart. How does it get from your mouth to your heart?
Discuss with your group What do you agree with? What do you disagree with? How would you draw it?
Leader - Keep group on task, makes sure everyone is involved. GROUP JOBS Leader - Keep group on task, makes sure everyone is involved. Reporter - Reports group’s ideas to class. Recorder 1- Draw pictures Recorder 2- Uses words to explain group’s ideas
Group Model How does an energy drink affect your heart? On the human, draw a way to explain how the energy drink affects your heart. How does it get from your mouth to your heart? **As you draw the model, write down any questions that come up on pg 82L