EAC Integration: Right or Wrong Path? Johansein Rutaihwa
Synopsis of the Presentation Introduction Key Elements of the East African Integration Process Right Path or wrong Path? Conclusion
1. Introduction The East African Community (EAC) is the regional intergovernmental organization which covers Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi
2. Key Elements of the East African Integration Process Customs Union - Joint administration of a Common External Tariff (CET) and elimination of all non-tariff barriers to cross-border trade (commenced on 1st January 2005). Common Market - Free movement of goods and services and all factors of production Monetary Union - Establishment of a single currency area Political Federation - This is the last stage of the regional integration process.
3. Right or wrong Path? To what extent will this integration lead to development? (issues of major concern) How do we mainstream our priorities to development? Is integration solid? lowering tariff and trade barriers viz Reforms Sustainable integration or market access Is integration for the citizens or politicians Comparative Advantages viz Competitiveness Nutshell need of having Integrated Action plan to address constraints and bottlenecks
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