Getting Your Message across Grow with H.B. Fuller Webinar Session 3 The webinar will begin in a few minutes.
Getting Your Message Across Webinar presenter: Joel Hedberg, Director of Human Resources During today’s session you will learn: What creates an effective leadership message What is a Teachable Point of View™ (TPoV) Benefits for Using the TPoV™ How to create a TPoV™
Compare these messages in which two managers communicate a change. “O.K., team, I was just given the news. The front office told me that we have to cut production. There’s nothing anybody can do about it. So I’m going to reduce overtime, and I don’t want to hear any complaining. If I hear anything more from the front office I’ll tell you. Those guys created this problem by not selling enough and now we’re the ones that have to pay the price. Sorry to give you the bad news. O.K., everybody back to work.” “O.K, team, we have a challenge. Sales of the product we make in this plant are down. Since the raw materials cost a lot and we’re low on inventory space we need to cut back production and reduce hours for a while. I have some ideas on what we can do but in the spirit of collaboration, we’ll have better success if we work together to come up with solutions that will help us stay profitable and effective at this time. We’re in this together. I’m up for the challenge, are you? What differences do you notice in these two messages. Record your observations.
Some differences in the messages. Message 1 Message 2 No ownership of the challenge Imposes a solution Blames others Tries to control Leader takes ownership Provides a rationale Recalls relevant history Links to values Shows commitment Invites and challenges the team Which message do you prefer to hear?
Teachable Point of ViewTM (TPoV) Introducing the Teachable Point of ViewTM (TPoV) Teachable Point of View is a registered trademark of Tichy Cohen Associates TPoV™ is a method for crafting and delivering important communications as a leader in a way that motivates and influences your team. It is a way of “Getting Your Message Across.”
Benefits for Using the TPoV™) Clarity – your workgroup understands the challenge better, which reduces confusion and unproductive activity Confidence – you project competence by showing an understanding of the challenge and how to achieve the best outcome Commitment – you empower and engage your team to join in the effort to meet the challenge
What did you do that made it successful? Recall a time when you felt good about the way you communicated with your team. What did you do that made it successful?
What is a Teachable Point of View™ (TPoV) A method for leading by teaching. The leader’s vision about what it takes to win in a challenging situation. A method for communicating a business challenge/change to your work group that combines ideas, values, emotional energy and edge. Ideas Values Emotional Energy & Edge
Ideas Winning organizations are built on clear ideas Ideas provide context for everyone's decision making Winning depends on the “team” of people , not just the CEO Understanding the context helps individuals act independently Strategies must be current Leaders assess changing realities and amend ideas as necessary “Ideas” are the framework for action at all levels Three Targeted Markets
The Power of Collaboration Values Winning organization foster values that support their strategy and vision Values, behaviors and norms become corporate culture and competence, which can provide competitive advantage and differentiation Winning leaders must live the values privately and publicly Our Beliefs The Spirit of Winning The Power of Collaboration The Essence of Courage
Emotional Energy Winning leaders maintain high levels of energy create energy in others state clearly why winning matters
The Edge Courage to make hard decisions Explaining tough decisions and the “why” behind making tough decisions; and teaching the organization to make them Helping employees recognize that there will be sacrifices and trade-offs involved, but there are still compelling reasons to be energized Preventing decisions and actions that don’t align with company beliefs and strategy from diverting attention from the most important work
TPoV™ – Values and Emotional Energy “You know, it hasn’t been that long since I was new to H.B. Fuller. While I’ve been in the adhesive business for over 25 years, I only came to this company about four years ago. One of the things I like about what we are creating at H.B. Fuller is a focus on winning the right way – we win through collaboration, cooperation and teamwork. We are a company that cares about others, that looks out for each other, and that focuses on mutual accountability of team members over personal ambition. And it’s those characteristics of how we do business that make me proud to lead this organization.” Jim Owens, President and CEO of H.B. Fuller
President and CEO of H.B. Fuller TPoV™ - Ideas and Edge “As we go forward in integrating Forbo into H.B. Fuller we will do it with a team based approach looking out for the common good and creating a bright future for the people in the company and the customers we serve. We also know we will have to make some difficult decisions. Anytime two similar businesses combine, there is duplication in certain areas. We are no different. We will need to address duplication of services to ensure we are a well-run, efficient company in the future. “ Jim Owens, President and CEO of H.B. Fuller
Let’s create a TPoV™ Ideas Values Ideas Values Emotional Energy & Edge What idea do you need to share? What’s the history about the challenge? What is the HOW, WHAT, a WHY of the situation? What will we accomplish by this challenge? How does this link to our team and corporate strategy for winning? Ideas Emotional Energy & Edge Values Emotional Energy Edge
Let’s create a TPoV™ Ideas Values Ideas Values Emotional Energy & Edge What idea do you need to share? What’s the history about the challenge? What is the HOW, WHAT, a WHY of the situation? What will we accomplish by this challenge? How does this link to our team and corporate strategy for winning? What core principles drive and guide us? What values, capabilities & behaviors are required to win? Ideas Emotional Energy & Edge Values Emotional Energy Edge
Let’s create a TPoV™ Ideas Values Ideas Values Emotional Energy & Edge What idea do you need to share? What’s the history about the challenge? What is the HOW, WHAT, a WHY of the situation? What will we accomplish by this challenge? How does this link to our team and corporate strategy for winning? What core principles drive and guide us? What values, capabilities & behaviors are required to win? Ideas Emotional Energy & Edge Values Emotional Energy Edge What excites you about the challenge? Why do you stay and what actions will generate energy. How can you inspire their hearts, minds, and hands?
Let’s create a TPoV™ Ideas Values Ideas Values Emotional Energy & Edge What idea do you need to share? What’s the history about the challenge? What is the HOW, WHAT, a WHY of the situation? What will we accomplish by this challenge? How does this link to our team and corporate strategy for winning? What core principles drive and guide us? What values, capabilities & behaviors are required to win? Ideas Emotional Energy & Edge Values Emotional Energy Edge What hard decisions will help us win? What sacrifices & trade-offs are involved? What process and reasoning provide the motivation to buy-in? What excites you about the challenge? Why do you stay and what actions will generate energy. How can you inspire their hearts, minds, and hands?
What is a Teachable Point of View™? A Leadership Style Leaders teach. Ideas, Values, Emotional Energy & Edge A Method for Communicating
More about TPoV™ The Teachable Point of View™ is a registered trademark of Tichy Cohen Associates There are many publications about this communication method. Here are a few you may find helpful: The Leadership Engine – Copyright 1997 by Noel Tichy with Nancy Cardwell The Cycle of Leadership: How Great Leaders Teach Their Companies to Win – Copyright 2002 by Noel Tichy with Nancy Cardwell
Teachable Point of View - Template
Where you can find more…. Tips and Techniques Online Learning Webinars Here you’ll find: Getting Your Message Across with a Teachable Point of View™ Guidelines for Communication During Change Other tips and techniques SkillPort Online Learning courses: Leading Teams: Fostering Effective Communication and Collaboration A link to this webinar and the PowerPoint presentation The next webinar is the week of April 30. Topic: Overcoming Resistance to Change
Thank You! If you have questions about this and upcoming webinars, go to or send an email to If you have questions about how to best implement these ideas or about the integration, contact your supervisor.