Insurance | Financial Planning | Retirement | Investments | Wealth We turn what you give us into something more Dear <<insert client name>> Sanlam’s Cumulus Echo Retirement Plan is a policy that will inspire you to start saving early so you can look forward to the comfortable retirement you deserve after years of hard work. We will also motivate you to keep up your payments by boosting your retirement savings with an amount called the Echo Bonus. The longer you are invested with Sanlam, the higher the Echo Bonus will be. While saving for retirement, you also pay less tax every month. The contribution to your retirement plan is deducted from your income so you will pay less tax every month. Contributions are tax deductible up to certain limits, so SARS is actually sponsoring a part of your retirement savings! It’s another way we turn what you give us into something more. Because that’s what makes us Wealthsmiths™. If you are interested and would like to discuss how Sanlam’s Cumulus Echo Retirement Plan can reward you for saving and how you can pay less tax every month, please contact me, your Sanlam financial adviser, at <adviser to insert contact details>. Insurance | Financial Planning | Retirement | Investments | Wealth Sanlam, 2 Strand Road, Bellville, South Africa | Sanlam Life Insurance is a Licensed Financial Services Provider © 2017 Sanlam. All Rights reserved.