Accepting Yourself is a key part of mental and emotional health. How do you accept yourself? You need to recognize your strengths and work on improving your weaknesses. This might be difficult because you may not know yourself very well. Get to know self: Personal Inventory Accepting Yourself is a key part of mental and emotional health.
How would you describe yourself to someone you just met? Write at least 5 sentences describing yourself.
The way you view yourself overall. SELF-CONCEPT The way you view yourself overall.
SELF-ESTEEM How you feel about yourself. Self-esteem is a part of your self-concept.
What influences your self-esteem?
HIGH SELF-ESTEEM LOW SELF-ESTEEM You feel self-respect, competence, and worth. You believe you can take on responsibilities, solve problems and learn from your mistakes. You understand your own worth, which invites the respect of others. You put little value on your opinions and ideas. You focus on your weaknesses and faults. You believe others are more capable or successful. You fear failure.
Let’s see how you’re doing.
Benefits of high self-esteem. Why does it matter? Benefits of high self-esteem.
You are optimistic! You take care of yourself, including your health and personal hygiene. You meet new people and enjoy being with others. You have increased opportunities. You are willing to take on new challenges. You set goals for yourself and believe you can meet them. You are resilient.
RESILIENCY The ability to overcome adversity. You feel in control of your life and can make a difference in the world. You know your weaknesses, but focus on your strengths. You are confident, but are willing to get help when you need it.
Build Your Self-Esteem. Your self-esteem will change depending on how you view what happens to you. Everyone has low self-esteem sometimes. Here are a few strategies to help build your self-esteem.
Set realistic goals. These goals are reasonable to accomplish. Divide your larger goals into smaller goals. You can build on each smaller success to reach your overall goal.
Ask for help when you need it. Recognize and accept when you might need help. This is especially true when you are learning something new. Find someone who can help guide you.
Accept that no one is perfect. Everyone has different abilities. Recognize that there is always room for improvement.
Recognize your strengths and work on your weaknesses. Identify your weaknesses without judging yourself and make a solid effort to improve them. Be proud of yourself when you succeed, but know that sometimes failure is out of your control. Mistakes can teach you what doesn’t work and push you to grow.
The beliefs that guide the way a person lives. Values The beliefs that guide the way a person lives.
Let’s discuss your values.
Your personal values help you make decisions about what is important to you.
I need you to understand, care about, and act upon your values and incorporate them into your ideal-self. I want you to know the good, desire the good, and do the good. All three are necessary for leading a moral life which leads to positive self-esteem.
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